The Dj Booth

Two Pieces of software I use on the iworkwithmusic website to edit music from live events, and to add back ground music to videos I record, that really do not have any content worth listening to. Like when shopping and I video the display rack in a store. Who wants to hear crowd noise?
Music Editing Software
Music editing Software
Magix Music maker. I have the first released version of Magix when it came bundled with a video editor. I also have Magix music maker 16 and the latest HD video editor (not currently at home to tell you what exactly I have). With these two I can make some very high quality videos of shows and concerts. Like here is my friend’s band Sexion 8. I had to record all of these on a cell phone and then bring up the sound, if you will notice in the middle of the Iron Maiden song, the mic blows out on the cell phone. Even though the music suddenly high pitched, I actually was able to bring that from a crackled distorted hiss of a whisper, to a sound that allows you to at least hear that the band was on cue and on mark and the lyrics are understandable. At the mark when the mic blows out, the audio quality changes tragically. but again, if it was not for Magix 16, I would have never gotten that far. I do believe they have a music restore software, but I currently can’t look that up on their site

Digital DJ
Music - virtual mixing

Digital Dj has a huge tray of sounds and loops that can be used to make tons of music and creative work that can keep you listened to, and your crowd happy for hours.
I myself am no dj. Not in the least bit

but I pulled this off

Rage against the Machine Cover


The video editing in the first and second, was using the first edition of Magix (I’m fast with that one, been using it forever). The audio mix added to the second video was using Magix Music maker 16 and Digital Dj.

Yes the links on this page are sponsored. Took me forever get with these guys. I have been sending Magix some free traffic for quite a long time. because I recommend Magix for just about everything video and audio related.I have done this for years.

Linux: Wine + Magix

Well I got into the mood to edit some audio. I cracked open my c drive in my trusty Xandros File manager and then the console and found my way to the magix folder. Well guys, you can edit audio under wine. With the use of magix music maker you can actually edit your mp3 files and do it in 16 tracks.

See I have been using magix for about 9 years now so I love that fricken audio editor and well not being able to use really upsets me, it seem with the latest version of wine you have a free shot at using magix on your favorite operating that does not seem to Microsoft.

I must warn that I just loaded it and ran the basic features and played some of the sound effects that come with it , before I wrote this. So even if it does not do the masterful audio editing that magix is commonly capable of, it is a huge move. I am quite sure the guys with wine might feel like upgrading it really soon to not have any issues.

screenshot wine magix

16 tracks of editing fun! Bam!

well there is the screen shot of the mp3 and audio file editor running on linux, I hope you guys enjoy this.If you need help just message me and I will extend what ever help I can your way. Enjoy making your audio masterpiece. :P
