Will build website for money to buy project car

I’m wanting to start a new project car.
Since I don’t ever build cars from money, this project car will be entirely bought and built using money I make from building websites for people.

Been building websites since 1998. And have built countless sites for cash.
Now willing to build a site and have that cash actually used for something I want.
Cheap sites,complex sites. All are welcome.
Tell me what you need and give me a deadline I’ll bid you a price that will likely not get matched.

So help me build this car and I’ll post pictures of the progress.

Comment below and I will contact you.
All comments are moderated so no information will be public on this post.

Selling off Some sites

I have a few site domain names I am selling off.


banned user Banned user was to be a website for the craziest of the internet users to go to. No advertisements nothing. To just let people go nuts in the forum. but instead it turn into a place I list i.p. addresses I ban from all of my wordpress websites.

On My Front Lawn On my Front Lawn, was to be a competitor to craig’s list, but for now it’s just a place I use to try and get rid of my working but used electronics.

I Work With People was to be a fun site ranting about working in retail. . But now it’s just a blog to help people do better in their career. With a job search for those who need to just find a better job and get a better life.

I Work With Music. Was to be a place for musicians to post their link to their site and leave a bio. all for free. After a year of very few bands showing up. Turned it into a wordpress built site with with news and updates about musicians, local music dates and reviews and music news. It gets old.

I Work With Tech Place to sell my technical services. Computer repair and other technical services I have to offer.

Starcraft II Clans For a video game community.

Grand Theft Auto Clans Another video game community.

Hate Filled Soul was a myspace mobsters website.

These are all websites that are for sell. Yeah I gave a description of what they currently are in Google for  so you have an idea of what you are working with when you buy these websites. These sites are for sell. The prices you see on the sites are showing what I want. I did set a total of what I will settle for to sell these sites quicker. I can’t take less for them because I have way to much time invested in SEO for these sites.

So if you are looking to buy a website that is already in Google These domain names are for sell. That is all that is for sell, just the domain names. If you like the content on any of the websites for sell, and if the website is built in wordpress, I can export the content and you can work out importing the content to your location. Any of the users that frequent the forums at gaming sites, I will not be giving up their information, but  you can join the sites before the domain is transferred, and you can message the users about the new change and your plans and tell them how long before the site is back up. I will work with you on that.

So if you want to buy a website look at the list here.

Selling 5 Domains

I have a year to renew my domains, but ready to let the mess of them all go. It’s far to much work for just me.

I worked really hard on getting all  feeds  ranked in Technoratti. Infact this particular rss feed is  worth “$1,693.62.”

Considering I have barely writen anything here in the past few months, that is pretty good. For the most part people come here for the Linux info I give in one of my directories, and the occasional coverage ion Grand Theft Auto. (I actually show how to play grand theft auto on Linux. You should Google it and see what you find. I did my work and it’s real info. So people link to me on their sites. I try to not be a spammer. So Google does all the work I need for getting the content noticed.

I wanted to make an ” I work with” network. Meaning I wanted to cover many job fields in content topics, and give people of that field a place to relate with. I wanted them all to be able to talk to each other and trade tips or just rant or sell or trade stuff related. I had no plan to charge anyone for going there and using any of the services. So I never did.

The “I work with” network consisted of

iworkwithpeople.com an employment site that I wanted to help people in retail. Could be used for many things, from therapy to psychiatry to loan agent.  It is currently an employment site.

iworkwithtech Wanted to make a site to sample products with and tell everyone about the products. after the products have run their course in my  reviews, I was going to overclock them. Never had the time, so I slapped something together to fill the spot and maybe  bring me work.

iworkwithmusic.com The goal was to let people submit their music content there and let the world hear it and or buy it. Totally free to the users of the site, except of course the media content they buy from the bands or dj.

Next on the list of sites for sell is not in eth same plan as the iworkwith network.

but still a fun site for me to run, during the times I had a mess-load of users. After the site rebuild I lost a lot of regular users. Down to like 18 people max. That site is  gtaclans.com a community for grand theft auto player. That one was fun, real fun.

Next is TruXtertech.com. The news section was three years of steady fun. at times I had stuff just flowing, at other times, I had a life to chase.

The asking prices are as follows.

iworkwithpeople.com $15000 Check the value for yourself Here

iworkwithtech.com $2000       Check the value for yourself Here

iworkwithmusic.com $500      Check the value for yourself Here

gtaclans.com $2000                     Check the value for yourself Here

truxtertech.com make Offer      Check the value for yourself Here Don’t worry, I will accept a reasonable offer.

I used stimator.com Because they do not base their searches on pure alexa results. If you Google Alexa you will understand. I know for years, malware scanners removed Alexa software off of people’s computers. So it really can’t be reliable if it’s only means is watching activity, and everyone is removing them.

check these websites statistics

Please contact me at (truxter     @    truxter    .    org) {no Spaces}

Paypal welcome,  and of course I will hand over the release code once the money is transferred. Sorry I will not give out bank routing number, but you can use my paypal account to use your credit card. If you do not have a paypal account, I suggest you set one up.

The prices are negotiable. But don’t be rude. I have a short temper for low ballers and hustlers. If needed I will gladly sign up to the sites and write for you in my free time. That is of course if you use the same plan I was working on. I will help you with search engines targeting.