Facebook Hashtags

HASHTAGIf you haven’t noticed yet. Facebook finally launched their hashtag experiment

What is the function of hashtags in Facebook?
Well. Pretty much the same as on twitter. You make a post, and then put a hashtag next to the word that best describes the #post. This allows people to share content and have it in a specific category for everyone else in the world.

Really this is the very first time I ever saw Facebook actually be a SOCIAL network. because now, you can find people who talk about like minded content.


Where this becomes an issue
People will exploit the hashtags. just as they have done in the past when they hack an account, the hackers will soon start making posts with links and a million and one hashtags in the post covering zillions of topics. Reaching more and more people. Along with tagging friends in the friends list of each victim that falls for the scam. Further reaching more and more people.


#NOW #none #OF #the #POSTS #will #make #SENSE #ONFACEBOOK #despressedblogger


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