Playstation Phone

Let’s say “educated” rumor of the Playstation phone, will have android on it. And from the picture it looks as if the Playstation phone will use GSM.
from Mashable
I hope they modified the Android o/s to look more like playstation’s o/s. Because well, the ps o/s looks cool.
Looks like the Sony Playstation phone will be using the Ericsson manufacturing (owned by Sony).

pic of Playstation phone

I would have preferred qwerty keyboard with w-a-s-d Steering and i-j-k-l throttling and damper.

If this is the path for the Playstation Portable PSP, then it’s pretty much over for all competitors, phone wise, hand held gaming systems, Media players and anything in between or remotely close.
Only possible competitor would be Nintendo Ds from iphone or rim.
1 gig processor
512 mb ram
1gig of storage.
Should play GTAIII well and all of the GTA stories.
Maybe vice city. surely vice city stories, since the psp played liberty city and vice city stories on a much wimpier processor.
The psp phone (yeah I called it a PSP phone…) will easily play movies in pretty high resolution. Considering my G1 does pretty good and my PSP does pretty well.