Welcome To TruXter's Tech Review - By using this FREE website value tool, you can quickly get a number of pieces of information about the value of your website including:


+ Directory Status (Dmoz and Yahoo)

+ Alexa Rank

+ Domain Age

+ Amount of Traffic

+ Social Bookmarking Status (Digg, Stumble upon, etc.)

+ WHOIS Information

+ Amount of Backlinks and Indexed pages

+ Domain Value ($)


This is a FREE service, just enter your URL in the form above, and submit.


It takes about a few seconds to process, then you'll be taken to the results.





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Disclaimer: TruXter Tech Review is not affiliated with Google, Yahoo or Alexa. Our website value service to give webmasters publicly available information about their sites. We are not responsible for any incorrect information given and services are available at our discretion.