What is bad website design?

A few things about website design that people do not know right away about how you should not design your websites. Things that make search engines shun you like the twitching weirdo that no one wants to look at. You must never, ever try and trick the system. and you must always use effort, not shortcuts. There are no shortcuts to webdesign. Tidy is not a shortcut. Here are things you do not do.
Useless pages
Leaving default Template pages in the open to be crawled by web crawlers

1. Cras eleifend consectetur
2. Curabitur sollicitudin ornare
3. Nam ac auctor ipson tellus non risus placerat adipiscing etc…
Copy another website
Even if that website is gone, you can not copy your competitor.
Look at last sentence of first Paragraph
Look at first sentence of first paragraph  while you’re there, go ahead and read the Next paragraph on that page and compare it to the second to the last paragraph here

Now, scroll down in this link to just below the second video. Takes a moment to load.

No telling who had it first. but I am sure betting it isn’t the sloppy site’s idea first. you know, the one with the Latin default template text on it.

Do not post your website on one of this “get listed in a bazillion search engines” becaus ethat is garbage.  Those sites harm your Search engine indexing.

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