What is Windows 8

Windows 8 is an operating system that is the beginning and the open door to a future of apps based entertainment. The bandwidth using type of apps. Apps that half of the software is instal;ed on your computer while the rest of the “program” is served in the cloud (on multiple servers, functioning sort of like how Kazaa worked.  Sort of how a torrent worked. but not really.

Windows 8 is promoted sold as a revolutionary design that is about to change the way we use computers.

but that is far from the truth
The look of windows 8, screams the colors of windows XP. Very cartoonish. The look is a bit of a step back from Windows 7.
The missing taskbar, should have been the alternative option, since back when 3.1 moved to windows 95. Oddly enough, over the past three patches to windows xp, Microsoft has removed the program-manager (aka progman.exew has been stripped and neutralized), so you can’t even mimic Windows 8 on a computer that can actually  work the exact same tasks.
The squares instead of shortcuts on the desktop, a bit Brady Bunch .
Windows 8 is designed to mimic the failed operating system of a failed cell phone. My only true gut feeling is windows 8 is designed for the ignorant and not tech savvy, and for the promotion and sell of their windows phones and tablets.