WordPress 3.3 killed my log in


Everything below this point is just me trying to solve the issue of admin section of my wordpress website being down. My problem is solved. By manually downloading the latest version of wordpress. replacing all of the files in the new download EXCEPT FOR THE CONTENT FOLDER, OR ANYTHING IN IT. I repeat, do not replace or update or delete your content folder.
How I did it was I downloaded the latest wordpress from WordPress Update Site  and then followed these instructions “WordPress manual update howto”

To sum it up, I download the updated wordpress, extract the content. Of the files that I just extracted, I deleted the folder labeled “content” and then I just dragged and dropped the remaining files into my server, over writing the files on my website. after all was done, I was prompted to update the database. I clicked next, and then all was done. The admin panel got a bit of change. Looks quite nice.

Oh and I normally do the howto in the main section and save this page for news, but this kind of started out as news.


WordPress 3.3 killed my log in on my review site.
What in the heck do I do now?
I did the update, and was in maintenance mode for about 20 minutes. When it all came back up wp-admin was inaccessible.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_get_update_data() in /wp-admin/menu.php on line 34

So…. Now what ?

Is my website now just a news site ?

I found the Menu file in the Admin folder and found lines 33 and 34

33.if ( ! is_multisite() || is_super_admin() )
34. $update_data = wp_get_update_data();

Since they work together I just deleted both out. That fixed the issue with 34 but now came the error of line 148 with the same command as line 34

148. $update_data = wp_get_update_data();

I will now try and back up the menu.php file in admin folder and try and get a menu.php file from another one of my sites and just drop it in and see what happens.

Ok.. that was bad. It looked as if the CSS had crashed there also. So.. One last thing to back up and swap out.. and then I just pray that works. If not I restore and search the web some more.. Everyone on the web is saying disable the plugins page and themes. I tried that and it did not work for me. that is why I am doing it this way.
I switched the Meu file and all of the Css files for admin. Fail.
I re-uploaded the original css files and the menu file.
back to original error

Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_get_update_data() in /htdocs/wp-admin/menu.php on line 34

Now I am doing a full manual update. I wish I could do a down grade though.
WordPress manual update howto:

Meanwhile DIGGDIGG floating has been killing all of my websites. and they are all quite different from each other. I wonder if by disabling diggdigg all together (instead of taken from floating down to normal just to get it to work) will prevent this issue.
If anyone seeing this, is also using digg digg, please respond below, I guess it would answer some questions if someone who is not using diggdigg has the exact same problem, would respond below.
So far it looks like diggdigg might not be the issue, just a separate issue all it’s own.

4 thoughts on “WordPress 3.3 killed my log in”

  1. Hi,

    Am also facing the same problem as yours in line 34. “Call to undefined function wp_get_update_data()”. Please tell me how did you solve the issue. Help me out pls!

  2. first.. back up everything on your site.
    Go to wordpress website, download the latest version
    Go to server via ftp relabel plugin folder to “1-plugin”
    Which disables all addons and plugins
    That should allow you back into your admin area.
    Now just reinstall.

    If it does not let you , then locate your content directory and relabel it. (please search the web on how to back up all of your content, I can’t do this while I am work, to further explain)
    Copy the wordpress install that you just downloaded, into your wordpress directory
    take content directory and plug in directory you just renamed, and name them back the way they were.
    Sorry again I am at work so I can’t really
    So here


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