Facebook without the Facebook app

operaSo you have seen the warnings on the news and the internet about how intrusive Facebook can be with their new apps.
I get upset knowing that they can do this and people will install the applications anyway. What I am most bothered by is the fact that you need so many applications to use just one website. What I used to do with just one app, now requires three Facebook apps. No. I refuse and will not do this.
There is an alternative to using the Facebook app if you want to use Facebook on your mobile device.and a good alternative to Facebook app at that.

I use opera browser for Facebook. android version | Iphone Version
Also if you registered your phone number to Facebook, then go into setting (here)and you can get a text message feature added to your account so that you can send messages to Facebook via text message. once that is activated, send a text to Facebook saying “on”.
This way you get notifications when you get another text message.
when that becomes too much, send a message to Facebook saying “off” and it will turn notifications back off.

As you see in this image you can add shortcuts to the Opera browser that look just like the apps. just hit the pluss button next to the navigation bar to add the page to your favorites/bookmarks and your icon will be placed on the front page of your Opera install.

Opera works better than your default browser and ten fold better than chrome or Firefox.

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