Mashable Trust Issue

The Mashable Trust Issue.
So I lit up the pho ne and kicked back in bed and started surfing around in Facebook. Scrolled down the page to see all of the stuff I have been missing, and what do I see?
I see that Mashable and I shared a topic, 23 minutes ago. Wait.. 23 minutes ago I was cleaning the litterbox  and sweeping the floor. Hadn’t been on Facebook for hours.
So I scroll a little further to see what the topic was and was shocked.
It’s content I don’t like to get involved in. Not against anyone’s rights or freedoms. in fact I am for everyone’s rights and freedoms to be the same. This was specifically about gay rights. I never read the article. why would I agree with the article and share it if I haven’t read it? The article could totally messed up and bring up views that I don’t even know that I am for or against until I read the way it is presented.
Mashable-awkward-shareWhat this does is send a false impression to my friends. and anyone else who got used like this. If I am not the only one that used like this to push this agenda, then there is a huge mass of people who just got used to press this impression that lots of people agree with the content. Without their direct consent on the content.
This content needs to be supported by people who agree with it, not falsely promoted.

This is gaming votes and manipulating the views of the public.

SO I went off on Mashable on their page.

Imagine the potential of this type of move. If Mashable can post this propaganda, what can a politician do? what can some agenda based media source do to make it look like you agree with something you haven’t even read yet. It’s like they are sneakishly using you for peer pressure upon your friends. Though the movement was for a good cause to some, it was a bad ethics move.
How to stop this.. Start with unliking the page of the offender. in the case, it’s Mashable.

Go to App Settings
Locate Offender in the list. In this case, Mashable.
Click the X on the right hand side, and never go back to their webpage again.

If you have to go to their page but don’t want them to “post on your behalf” find that in the options under their name and disable it. Then locate “Visibility of app and posts:” and select “Only me”
now your freinds won’t get spammed with junk you allowed to have access to your Facebook.

I will never trust a single article from Mashable ever again.
The scummiest tactics to date.