Have you ever wondered what the Inside of a Solid State Drive looks Like?
I have. I always imagined tons of stuff inside the hard drive that would just blow me away.
Since I have 120GB Chronos SSD Solid State hard drive sitting around that doesn’t ever seem to work anymore, I took it apart. (don’t worry, it only worked for about a month)
- Unopened SSD
- Opened SSD
- SSD Taken apart
Weird, to my surprise it looks as if the internals of the solid state drive are pretty simple. almost the same as what is inside a thumb drive. but many all on one main board.
There was literally very little to the solid state drive.
4 screws
2 plates for housing
1 main board.
That was it. I was seriously expecting a tightly squeezed set of two or three boards wired and clipped together.