Google Buzz

It’s a rip off of hotmail’s little myspace clone thingy. Except it posts all of your feeds to your friends and family. Kind of sucks if you posted stuff you really do not want your friends or family to see or read. to me it is a straight out intrusion of creative freedom. can’t be free if you worry about what family thinks. anonymity is great way to say what needs to be said. you know… like if you had a blog or something that you just vented your frustrations of, and now all the people you talk about, can read it…. Like I wrote a review of online dating sites, and my mom called me two days later asking me if I have trouble finding women… I mean come on!!! Now I can’t uninstall the dang thing.

Google buzz came after yahoo buzz.

Windows 7 Beta 7100 Ends 2 days

Sure did not feel like very long on that dang thing. 2 days as the drum beats and it’s lights out or upgrade.
I did find few Windows Vista installs that come with free windows 7 upgrades. for around 130. To me that sounds like
a peach of a deal. Found it at zipzoomfly, not going to link it because heh. I’m not getting any kick back.. nah because I don’t feel like searching for it till I’m ready, but I did saw it earlier today. So I know it’s there

Good Luck