Getting Microsoft Office Keyboard to work on Windows 7 64 bit

I have tried the AutoHotkey.exe program and did all of the set up stuff that everyone talks about and made a custom as was instructed by other users and even added the scroll and Zoom functions as stated by others

Located Here

; Microsoft Office Keyboard RT9450: Making the ScrollWheel work under Windows 7. ScrollUp/Down Normal, Fast, Faster, Fastest

sc10B Up::Send {WheelDown}
sc111 Up::Send {WheelDown 3}
sc112 Up::Send {WheelDown 5}
sc11F Up::Send {WheelDown 7}
sc10B Down::Send {WheelUp}
sc111 Down::Send {WheelUp 3}
sc112 Down::Send {WheelUp 5}
sc11F Down::Send {WheelUp 7}


; makes control-scroll work for zooming

^sc10B Up::Send ^{WheelDown}
^sc111 Up::Send ^{WheelDown 3}
^sc112 Up::Send ^{WheelDown 5}
^sc11F Up::Send ^{WheelDown 7}
^sc10B Down::Send ^{WheelUp}
^sc111 Down::Send ^{WheelUp 3}
^sc112 Down::Send ^{WheelUp 5}
^sc11F Down::Send ^{WheelUp 7}


but, my AHK file does not magically show the H icon as I was told it would. Seemingly because tehre is nothing writing to the regestry on my computer and the AutoHotkey.exe files is just that. A stand alone program.
I later tried the Compiler on the AHK websites and even made my own little nifty executable with the hot key and scroll wheel commands already in it.
Nope no good.
I even created the shortcut and added it to the start/startup folder to make the file automatically run at start up. Still a big fail.

Also found another version of the same commands with a bit added to it

Located here

#Persistent ; Keeps a script permanently running (that is, until the user closes it or ExitApp is encountered).

#SingleInstance force ; Skips the dialog box and replaces the old instance of this script automatically
#NoEnv ; Recommended. Undefined variables (%xxxx%) do not cause a search of Environment variables.

sc10B Up::Send {WheelDown}
sc111 Up::Send {WheelDown 3}
sc112 Up::Send {WheelDown 5}
sc11F Up::Send {WheelDown 7}
sc10B Down::Send {WheelUp}
sc111 Down::Send {WheelUp 3}
sc112 Down::Send {WheelUp 5}
sc11F Down::Send {WheelUp 7}
; makes control-scroll work for zooming
^sc10B Up::Send ^{WheelDown}
^sc111 Up::Send ^{WheelDown 3}
^sc112 Up::Send ^{WheelDown 5}
^sc11F Up::Send ^{WheelDown 7}
^sc10B Down::Send ^{WheelUp}
^sc111 Down::Send ^{WheelUp 3}
^sc112 Down::Send ^{WheelUp 5}
^sc11F Down::Send ^{WheelUp 7}

sc164 Down:: ; My Pictures > no action (suppress error re installing Photo Editing software which sometimes occurs when using scrollwheel)
; Alt !
!sc164 Down::
; Ctrl ^
^sc164 Down::
; Shift +
+sc164 Down::
; Alt+Ctrl !^
!^sc164 Down::
; Alt+Shift !+
!+sc164 Down::
; Ctrl+Shift ^+
^+sc164 Down::
; Alt+Ctrl+Shift !^+
!^+sc164 Down::

sc105 Down::Run Explorer ; Files button which seems mapped to Messenger.

Again, no help

It took heavy use of Google for me to get every button functioning except scroll wheel.

The latest drivers helped tremendously minus wheel support as mention, except, when I open the intellitype pro software the tab for keyboard settings is greyed out. Says “No Microsoft usb keyboard detected”.

I found a few files..(one labled ITypeDevices.xml), but they list the supported devices. I am wondering if there is an edit to that which I could make to force the software to identify the driver just well enough so I can add settings for the scroll wheel.


Inside the XML file stated above, I located commands for each type of keyboard and link from that to a folder for a shortcut to a bmp file. So I assume that when the computer identifies the office keyboard, it will want to show you a little image. I am sure any image we put there will work just fine.

I am scared to make this edit because there really is no telling how many files are actually associated to this XML, that will need to be updated along with this ITypeDevices.xml file.

If anyone has anything to add to this please please respond, there are many people who need this answer