Bill Gates Pushing for Cleaner Nuclear Future

He has the right idea, use the waste from power plants to create more power.

This could lead to the dudes who buried  I mean “disposed of” nuclear waste  of the past getting a clean conscience. Actually, what would be the likelihood of them coming forward with saying “yes by the old standards of  laying a pillowcase and two twigs on top it was properly disposed of, and by todays law those standards should be fine for a million years”  .  What we need them to say is ” Well ok everyone we buried the most radioactive material ten feet below every church/hospital/elementary school and well we used to think that was fine, but further study from all sorts of fine programs we have across the world, we find that it is not the safest plan, so we have to dig this stuff up and burn it in our ‘recycling old crap’ machine.  But yeah right , who would rebuild the churches and schools???

So if the machine can be created, I have faith in Bill, we just need a loud voice out there to speak for the past and present…any got any suggestion?

Here is the magical save all story