Comcast 250 gb Bandwidth Cap and cloud computing?

It’s official, Comcast is crippling us in a crippling time.
During a time when we all need something to stay the same, Comcast is deciding to come up with a way to charge us more for stuff we are into. I mean, get addicted to smoking, they tax you, get addicted to internet activity, comcast buys out all providers and then sets a limit and charges for excess.
Ok enough with the rant before I let my real emotions loose.
Has anyone considered what this would do to cloud computing? we are considering CC here at the office I work at. We have well over 500 gb of important every day files that we access. even if we only touch about 4 gb of actual files a day, you have to picture 30 of us checking updates and status of each file. first we transfer to our pc so we can look t it, make changes as we need and re-upload it.
That 4 gigs of file getting transferred probably about 50 times a day, we would break our cap within a week.
I know , “Cloud Computing in an office ?” but you have to see that we have grown large and do not want to mess with our servers and do not want to have to worry about who is going to myspace or facebook while at work, we don’t want people’s computers getting a virus anymore. We wanna pay someone else to worry about all the tiny tweaks and just let us do our jobs.
Looks like comcast is making that a harder idea to see.

Dsl does not go that fast. There really is no option .

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