Economic Stimulus Payment – Um, How Much?

Ok so now that we are all about to get our”economic stimulus payment” (aka buy off money), we all have done our searches on the net to see exactly when we will receive it, and there are millions of places that tell you when you will see it and what your totally could be. If you are a perfect angel millionaire.

Just days before the towers got hit, and everyone loved George Bush. We all got checks that where “up to 600 bucks”. Well I got mine, it was 25 dollars. Of course at the end of that year I had to pay taxes on it… $50 in taxes extra that year. Because I was brought into the next tax bracket. Yes this year you will pay for this money you receive.

Now this year, I am searching all over the net and cannot find how to total up my hush hush money (shut up and buy some more gas, the countries money will buy more of my oil!). Do they not want us to see the rabbit stuffed in the hat? Do they not realize we will post  about this when it turns out that we all get less than $100 again unless we are making nine figures ( you know, the people who really need it) .


Hey I found a link to a faq section. And look at the first Frequently asked question. HOW CAN IT BE A PREDETERMINED FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION, ESPECIALLY IF THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IT HAS HAPPENED? WTF!!!!!!1

Well I have done my searches and found nothing officially announced as to how to add this up, I just know that I am getting mine this month.

If anyone knows, reply?

6 thoughts on “Economic Stimulus Payment – Um, How Much?”

  1. You have to work and pay taxes to get that first rebate. I received a full rebate and will be getting 2100 for my family this time around. If you did your taxes (you did turn a return correct), you would know how much your rebate is going to be. Obviously, you are either clueless, a Bush basher or an out and out liar.

  2. What is there to lie about?
    I hate bush, I hated bush back when everyone loved him.
    I didn’t like Gore but i knew he would have been the better deal
    Current tv seems to prove that .

    I am glad he is still in office because we are at war, and we should never change leaders while at war.
    Other than the fact that he is fighting for a cause he believes is right, I think he is an idiot.

    Are you actually amazed that you worked and did your taxes this year and last year?
    Didn’t everyone?
    I mean it’s not like taxes are new, we all have been doing them for many years.
    but from the sounds of it, this is your first time to pay taxes, so hats off to the newbie.

    Show me where it makes it clear how much we are getting back, or be labeled a troll.

    Oh you think i am talking about regular income taxes.. right?

  3. What’s with the negativity here?

    The amount that you will receive for each rebate is exactly as the government stated provided you did NOT go over the income limits whether filing separately OR jointly.

    Once you go over the limits I believe there is a phase out range where you reduct the rebate by $100 for every $1000 over the initial limit and then it is phased out completely beyond a max income limit.

    I’m sure the IRS will have this info on their site.

    My tax software actually calculated it for me and suffice it to say it is severely reduced. But then, if you get no rebate then you might actually be making a good living right?

    Anyone counting on this money is probably in dire straits anyway.

    good luck all…hope your rebate is as you expect…remember, WE all paid for it (or will pay for it) since nothing is free when it comes to government printing money from the taxes we already paid. You didn’t really think this was found money did you? Wise up. The government just charged these rebates on our credit card…thanks for nothing.


  4. Exactly, tax software calculated it exactly. I don’t see how it is possible in 2008 you don’t have a clue as to how much your rebate will be.

    Its also obvious you did not read my post. Since your second rant here made even less sense. Considered the original tax refund was a few years back already, it is obvious that this would not be my first time paying taxes. I would have to assume you were/are incapable of doing your own taxes and whomever you paid left you in the dark.

  5. Ok I see what the miscommunication is.

    I’m not talking about my rebate. I am talking
    about economic stimulus, Google it and see
    that it has been in the news for 6 months.

    I read the post you made. and now I see who does and does not read.

    May I point you to the title of my post.

  6. ****editor Comment*****
    You came in clear, he did not
    ****editor Comment*****

    If you filed 2007 taxes you will get your check–here’s the schedule,,id=180247,00.html
    ****editor Comment*****
    I did link this page already
    ****editor Comment*****

    Is that what you are looking for? What do you care how much it is anyway? Use it for whatever you want–savings, investments, TVs, tax payments, etc.. It’s NOT FREE money anyway so enjoy it now because we will be paying for this later on. Remember , govt printed money they don’t have which really only does one thing–lowers the value of the dollar–thanks FED…

    Hope this helps…and, relax, life is short…no need for attitude


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