Sad Fact

We live here. In a wonderful country of freedom and openness. Where the people speak their mind and the press has the freedom to report the truth and anyone can create a movie or a song and get it seen. Where no one’s rules govern us and we do not govern anyone else, since we are so open minded.
This is now false.
We now close down websites that are owned by people who allow people to upload files and download files. Such as different takes and cuts of personal project videos.


We now extradite people from other countries, for breaking laws in our country over the internet, and we take all of their belongings from their house.


Sopa and pipa were supposed to pass, and this was supposed to be the first bust. The machine was already in motion.


This country is going to crap. Eliminate etrade so the longest reigning selfish pigs can continue being pigs.

Want to talk about a depression.



Just wait.


When everyone starts outsourcing EVERYTHING. because to many uppity folks want everything regulated to meet their standards if made here, and then we pay full price though no one has a job anymore because everything is politically correct and outsourced like a good zombie of a country. Then those companies go under because no one is there to bail them out, we get a chance to invest what little bit of a tax money we have, to get them out of debt.


You see all of this right? not just what you are worried about… look at the dominoes as they ALL fall. not just the one with the mp3 player built in it… ALL OF THEM.

Economic Stimulus Payment – Um, How Much?

Ok so now that we are all about to get our”economic stimulus payment” (aka buy off money), we all have done our searches on the net to see exactly when we will receive it, and there are millions of places that tell you when you will see it and what your totally could be. If you are a perfect angel millionaire.

Just days before the towers got hit, and everyone loved George Bush. We all got checks that where “up to 600 bucks”. Well I got mine, it was 25 dollars. Of course at the end of that year I had to pay taxes on it… $50 in taxes extra that year. Because I was brought into the next tax bracket. Yes this year you will pay for this money you receive.

Now this year, I am searching all over the net and cannot find how to total up my hush hush money (shut up and buy some more gas, the countries money will buy more of my oil!). Do they not want us to see the rabbit stuffed in the hat? Do they not realize we will post  about this when it turns out that we all get less than $100 again unless we are making nine figures ( you know, the people who really need it) .


Hey I found a link to a faq section. And look at the first Frequently asked question. HOW CAN IT BE A PREDETERMINED FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION, ESPECIALLY IF THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IT HAS HAPPENED? WTF!!!!!!1

Well I have done my searches and found nothing officially announced as to how to add this up, I just know that I am getting mine this month.

If anyone knows, reply?