Facebook message scam

So. Now they message you on Facebook and request that you look at their link to their newly built website. This in turn steals your password and begins sending out the same message to your friends.
The link I keep getting is on the odusee.com.au Website. The messages are coming from people I know and have talked to many of times on Facebook. Odusee is a real website but it looks like there is someone using their servers for malicious means. I would post the whole link, but I do not need 10,001 people clicking the link and getting messed over and holding me responsible. So what I have available is so you can confirm you are seeing the same issue.

“Please check the site that i’ve working on for a while http://www.odusee.com.au/(partial link removed)/
And tell me what you think about it. Thanks “

How to fix it.
Virus scan and change your password.

14 thoughts on “Facebook message scam”

  1. Hey I don’t think that site is scam, I’ve been using this site for quite a while now and is very helpful. Why do you think this site is scam?

  2. Hey Odusee is not a scam site, if you happened to receive messages with our site you probably chatted or happened to be a friend with one of our marketing team. We don’t distribute a virus, we just want to spread our site!!!!

  3. I may not have made it clear above.
    I don’t think that odusee is a scam.
    I think the sub-page I keep getting links to
    from totally different people on my facebook account
    stands a really good chance of being jacked up.

  4. Can you delete this post coz you’re ruining our business here!!! The company can sue you for this, we may not know who you are but we’ll find you!!!

  5. And what do you mean by getting jacked up? Did you get virus when you open the site? I don’t think so coz I’ve been using it here in Melb.

  6. And why you’re posting like this here!! Don’t you know that by posting such insult to us this can degrade our site dignity!!! And how sure are you that by clicking our site’s link, we steal your facebook password, did we steal yours and now you can’t log in to your account? Maybe you’re friends were helping us in spreading our site that’s why you receive so many sub page links into your inbox!!!!!

  7. Don’t believe this post, the writer is one of my friends in facebook and I dumped him that is why he posted like this to ruin our site!!! LOSER!!!!!!!!!!

  8. And why you’re posting like this here!! Don’t you know that by posting such insult to us this can degrade our site!!! And how sure are you that by clicking our site’s link, we steal your facebook password, did we steal yours and now you can’t log in to your account? Maybe you’re friends were helping us in spreading our site that’s why you receive so many sub page links into your inbox!!!!!

  9. This is getting immature.
    I think we can see the age of mentality for the people involved with this facebook password stealer.

  10. LMAO wow… I’ve been getting that message too and now I’m definitely worried about whatever is going on with that site after reading this.

  11. Yeah. me too. Especially the immaturity of the ones responding . I left their messages available to be seen, so people see what I am up against each time I post virus information.

    Look folks if you are creating a scam, don’t be upset when someone sees your scam. be upset with yourself for such a lame scam.

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