How Did Google Plus Fail

How Did Google Plus Fail ?
Google failed with Google Plus (G+) simply by making their social network too intrusive, too much like Facebook and too bland.

When I say intrusive, I mean, just adding the app on your phone, you are forced to show your location via GPS showing almost an exact nark on the map showing what section of your house, you are currently in. Who wants that? Maybe while you are meeting someone at the local burger doodle, but your bedroom? Toilet? who needs to know exact locations of my every post? Can’t we save this for a later feature?

G+ looks exactly like Facebook did last year. Minus the blue bar at the top of the screen.Friends on the left, message in the middle (much like Myspace) ads on the right. Much like a blog.

There is no color. There is no life in G+ It just looks like plain text on a plain page. I actually like I am at the back end side of wordpress. And I tell you, it’s not impressive.

For over a week now, I have seen three messages fly by that were not my own.
And … sad to say, when people fought the real names on Google plus, Google gave in. Mean while Facebook screams a big “SCREW YOU USERS”
So, maybe Google should abuse the less tech savvy, they seem to enjoy it.

Deep down we all see that Google plus is a more current social website and much nicer looking. But was released at the wrong time.

Maybe if they put a samsung logo on it.. Oh wait, that’s another one that abuses their users.