Is pc Gaming Dead?

Over the years I have watched the pc video game section dwindle down to almost nothing.

Ten years ago it was two rows in the electronics section at Wal~mart. Now it is half a row, at the ones that even carry pc. That of course is after they share the rack with software, and some psp accessories. At Game Stop , pc games had a whole wall 4 years ago, and two racks on the floor. Now , pc gaming is one side of a floor display rack.

It’s not even the whole rack. Just one side. It seems that the console companies have made a great push and have nearly removed all of the pc games. You must figure that the most popular operating system, has one of the two dominant consoles, you can see why game makers don’t make pc video games.

now I quote myself from the  thread.

On the left side of the rack is like two pins to hang psp junk on.
On the back is a bunch of console accessories ( well you know
a handful of the stuff none really buys like game sleeves and
cloth controller warmers) on the right side is new releases mixed
with current popular for 360.

I find it a disgrace.
The display shows a video game that is older than 4 years old.
a video game that is now the stereo type of all pc gamers.

When I walked up to the counter to confirm, the kid asked me
“well what are you looking for?”
I responded ” something I haven’t played before”

Are we being dumbed down?  are we being reduced of our resources?  there could be a whole lot more to it than just ” no one plays games on computers anymore”  google.

*****Updated *****
Piracy is a fact.
But pc gaming piracy being a fact is an exaggeration.
There are not near as many people out there willing to dl a video game for a pc
as there are ones who are willing to dl one for a console. I know a bunch of people
who use me as their computer guy, yet they had someone else crack their xbox
so it will play burned games and directly run iso from an emulated drive.

Come on, what other reason you need a 180 gig hd on a fricken console?????

See console companies throw up this big stink “make games for us to stop piracy”
but really in the end, it’s just a smear campaign to get to the top of selling lists.

Go to any game shop in the usa, you will see that if they have pc games, it is one tiny
rack on the floor. If you are lucky, pc games are both sides of that rack. don’t count
on it though. Ok you can raise your fist in triumph and scream d2d or steam.

But, how many games are available through microslops xboxlive? I know you can sample
but can’t you also buy?
If microslop stopped pc gaming on their o/s platform, it in theory would only solidify the sales
for their console. This of course would allow them to raise their price as high as they want.
Oh wait, they thought it was time already a couple years ago. Would have worked too if not
for the red ring of death.
Now the price is way down where it should have been to begin with. We all know the quality of
consoles suck, but look at who the target market is. people who know nothing of tech and live
by the code of “it’s expensive so it must be good”. When in fact the cooling sucked because of
no actual direct flow of air on the cpu heatsink and hardly any cooling for the video. the video
was next to the power source absorbing any heat that can dissipate from the power source.

See it’s all marketing. sure they can’t just come out and say “gaming on pc sucks, we rule buy our stuff”
it has to be gradual, kinda like a slow brain wash. one commercial shows it being easy, another
commercial shows it being small and pretty, then a mention of “unique” disks for games, it sounds
It’s just sales. and pc gaming is being pushed off the planet by it. deal with it. understand that
computers will upgrade slower and technology will nearly run at a trickle.
why? because we aren’t going to be here to say “hey the game would run smoother if you just blah blah”
Our kids will be dumbed down.
reduced to three buttons to mash and graphics only as good as they are now.
*****Updated *****

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