I have come to dislike that site and game. Far to many people using cheaters and bots. To many people selling accounts.
i couldn’t figgure how someone would want to buy my level 360 makes 600m an hour. It’s just a game. but i have tons of little accounts that make great money. The amount someone would offer would never account for the time i spent on the accounts.
Back o topic. I forever have been fighting a group of people with my small account, decided to take out the big guns and go after the entire group myself, since my buds wouldn’t help. These are the non=raacist members of Zero degrees. Zero Degrees is a well known racist greoup on mobbies. But I decided to hitlist one of them and attack them with all I have … 5 accounts Steadily attacking this dude on the hitlist. one account has 75 stamina and beat hi with every attack.. used entire stamina… So I start going through all of my players. Next had 60 stamina, next two 30+ stamina each, clearly a heal bot. So I open two browsers and two accounts. by then, my big account has recharged. Finally took him down. There is no way he healled that much for that long.. after the thirty second mark, the hitlist is rabid. Let alone 15 minutes…
Check out these cheaters.
All in the same mob.