As I have looked over the internet I see other people experiencing the same thing there is a phone number popping up
877-545-1392 as the number from the person who is calling. The person who calls, claims to be from ADT security. This person asks if they can get credit card numbers and bank account numbers and home address and pass code to the security box so they can dissable the alarm from the main office and update software and or trouble shoot the issue.
I suggest you give them no information. I mean from what they are asking, they want to clean out your bank account, max out your credit card and rob your house, and god forbid you be home when they break in. If you are home you will not only be broke and in debt, you will be dead.
Well I decide to call the real ADT today, and guess what I get on the phone?.
Good ol “Jeff”. the boy sounded stoned and burned up from a bad day of calls. Nothing meant anything to him and he called me paranoid. Paranoid? I mean his job circles around paranoid people WTF! I mean yeah it’s good to protect your stuff and alarms save lives.
Well I left him the number anyway. But these dirt bags are burning up my T-mobile minutes .
Makes me wanna scream “HEY DILDO YOU AIN’T IN MY FAVE FIVES!”