Got sick of that dang warning that comes up in my bottom right that warns me that my computer might be at risk because I don’t have a virus scanner and that I need to click that stupid thing to figure out what I need to do, as if that balloon wasn’t all I needed to tell me that my computer does not have a virus scanner on it. Does it really have to tell you every single day? Why does that stupid thing not have a widget on it that says “click here to make me freaking go away for ever because I am a sucky little annoyance that will not stop for anything”.
I have a firewall in my router. I will not put one on my computer.
If you are on windows XP and are sick of seeing that dang balloon at the bottom that tells you that you might be at risk because your security software is not installed or it might be out dated, Well you can get rid of that “at risk” warning in just a couple steps.
Click start button.
Click control panel
Double click Security Center
look on the left in the box that says “resources”
Look at bottom link it says “change the way Security Center alerts me” Click that . Uncheck what ever box you want to uncheck.
Click Ok
Issue should be resolved.
That is the most annoying pop up. Especially if you are using a free virus scanner that only runs when you tell it to.
Here is what I got off the web that got me in the right direction.
win xp after selecting ‘security center” from “control panel” you have to click on the left part on “change the way security center alerts me” and then unselect the type of alert you don’t like to get anymore