Don’t fear monger me into a new internet

I never trust any news that tells us to change to a “new internet”. because of some IPV4 flaw or some sort that nullifies any current existing computer’s default connection.

The day that you can no longer the “original way”, is the day you might notice what you gave up.

IPV6 (or anything new for that matter) should and is an option for everyone, but never should be mandatory.
The further you get from your roots, the harder it is to hang on to the value that influenced your knowledge/likes as it is.
What is to fear is a day that we only have cloud storage, no hard drives and no upgrades at all to be made to our own “personal computers” worth calling personal. Everything is in the hands of NSA and the people charging you a monthly fee to connect to your devices. but if you pay more you can get more speed from your web based operating systems

Meanwhile your isp is charging you but gives you a limit to how much you can see a month.
Understand that limit won’t change just because your stuff is now stored on a server somewhere in nsa camps labeled as “neat cloud stuffy stuff”. Count on those excuses being stocked loaded and cocked waiting for the moment to use. Even though Level3 has already shown us that the reasons our ISPs give us for monthly limits are all BS.
So you will be eating your monthly limit just accessing your own files and when you hit your limits (which you will) you will get charged an overage charge. and you will be helpess if you are without a network connection.

I do not want web based apps.
I do not want a web based operating system.I do not want web based storage.


Don’t fear monger me into a new internet. Don’t tell me that I have to be scared of something new on the internet that will get me because there is no controlling it.  Microsoft already did this to us with telling us to update and patch. With updates and patches that seemed to slow us down terribly, just before the release of their newest, latest and greatest operating system. Only to go through it time and again.


The reason to fear a new method of connection, is for privacy and the option to say “nah I’ll pass”.
We should always be allowed to pass .

Think of another way to protect us from your internet monsters.

Net Neutrality = Checkmate

What it all comes down to is how well you detect greed.

One company owns like 30% of internet connection in the united states. That company is Comcast. The rest of the connections are through the hundreds of  dsl and the hundred or so other cable companies. This means that Comcast has the largest percentage, and the loudest voice. What they will do, all the others will soon follow suite. The companies that do not, will be bought quickly.

Comcast is wanting “unlimited” to end. They have been hyping some story of  growing usage and lack of pipe to supply it all. Um, they did buy up all the other companies, of course the user count is growing. dur.. but so is their supply and resources. So do not be fooled by this.

Anyway we will be offered packages, instead of the packages we get now where we can select how fast our connection is, by how much we pay. We will now select how much we want to download in a month, by how much we are willing to pay. They push some theory that the internet will suddenly speed up because people will conserve better to avoid the prices. I see a huge spike at the beginning of the month of people saying ” oh hey I can down X amount now and just surf regular for the rest of the month”. Of course we will not see the internet get slow during these times because well, they have the horse power to support that, again they are blowing smoke to sell their  product.

You may be wondering how they can get fake news out. right?…… cable tv, …. you get it yet ? Well in short, I am pretty sure they know someone who knows someone.

If they are allowed to charge site owners for the traffic that comes there from them, then they are now making from the people getting there, and the people that are there. That’s like ford charging Disney land for the people using Ford to get there. THE CAR IS FRICKEN PAID FOR!. This of course will lead to alot of websites shutting down because they can no longer afford to be on the internet. So lil Davey’s website about his favorite bicycle will have to go down because he can no longer afford to pay for the traffic that the internet sends to him. There is a chance that internet providers will blacklist websites and block people from trafficking the websites. If you notice, we are now being covered by comcast ,(if we are getting our service through comcast) if we type a domain name wrong, it takes us to a comcast specific page instead of the 404 page. This is a clear sign that those days are coming. This means an almost extortion mentality could come of this (old gangster’s voice)  ” look see, this what we want for sending people to your website see, or we stop people all together see”  When actually in all truth, if all the websites vanish from the internet, what the heck do we need internet for ? Looks like the whole internet freedom, is screeching to a hault in this case.

So if it is ruled against the carriers from charging the site owners, count on your internet being priced to come out of your pocket in a $50 a month for a limited amount of file size per month. chances are, they will do that anyway. charge the domain owners, and the customers.

Comcast is already testing this in a few cities across the united states.

What is Comcast up to ?

Comcast will set a total available bandwidth usage. They will be charging for people going over their monthly limit.
For an unlimited internet. they sure do dance around the word “limit” a whole lot.

They claim 43% bandwidth usage increase. Well if you buy every internet company that has many users on it, expect an increase. This is how media dumbs us down and tells us that we should pay more an accept the fact that we are bad.

Give us a choice? “throttle or cap” ? are you kidding me?
I am for neither one. I live between 2 dsl hubs!
I didn’t go over my limit. I am unlimited.
my usage did not increase, they increased the number of users.
Time to Dsl it.
Sell out’s explain it to us
Net neutrality or bandwidth capping. WTF is actually happening here?
Does the “Comunismcast” hat fit yet ?
They bought out all companies in Texas that could be an alternative to their internet supply, then they tell us we will pay for anything over a limit.. again, unlimited bandwidth….?
I say leave comcast and cripple them before all the other companies join suite. Make an example of them.

Didn’t Microsoft get sued for this exact same thing?