Google Page Rank Not Working

Is your

Google Page Rank Not Working?

There is a fix to this issue for some tool barsĀ  Google PageRank Update Fix [Tips & Tricks]
Also linked for the TLDR people here Google PR is Not Dead
Everyone is seeing “not ranked” or “Unranked” or “page rank 0” when they check the page rank of their website. This has many SEO in a twist.
Some say it is good that we don’t have authority or organization, some say it’s a scary idea.. I believe it would be a scary idea.
Here you go.
The Google Page rank for tool bars query is not working properly today.
It seems the query site has been relocated to a different directory.
From what I am reading on the web, you will find the Page rank location somewhere near{gchecksum}&features=Rank&q=info:';

but, how to get it to work, you got me.
I have been at it but really am bothered by quite a bit right now.
So. since I got you this far, please come back when you get your page rank checker working and send me a message on how to get my page rank checker working.
Would have been polite if Google would have warned us this would happen.

I have now obtained a method of checking your page rank for multiple websites all at one time and you get to see the yahoo back link count and if the site is submitted to dmoz and alexa
Multiple page rank Checker

Quirk has fixed their page rank. here