Explorer.exe Is now windows Explorer

Noticed this at work the other day.

Now if you go to cmd and type in explorer.exe it pops open windows explorer. for ever that has been the trick to get your task bar back. now it does not. It just opens windows explorer. so if you get a crash and lose your taskbar, you must reboot. Or figgure out what in the heck the taskbar is now called.

I assume this is a follow up to removing the progman.exe functionality.

See my trick for ever was to change my start up and replace the registry line from startup/explorer.exe to startup/progman.exe.

This reduced teh amount of resources my machine used, back the day when windows ran like crap and computer parts where crap.

This is teh same on xp sp3 , windows vista, and windows 7

I have no idea when or how this all came about. but i noticed it at work while over a span of 4 days I had different co-workers come to me and say “hey I lost my taskbar” we had to reboot them all one by one to get the task bar back. because typing explorer.ese solved nothing.  it’s like an auto update or a strange mass virus ?  I feel like I am being tamed by m$