3d Tv, Greatness or a Headache ?

Is anyone buying this? the prices are crazy high. The question to ask is ” is there a button to turn off  3d mode for just in case I have guests over and not enough glasses”. 3d videos are a great tech, but it kind of flops for me after about 10 minutes. I get headaches and my eyes feel crossed for days after.

I am sure that at one time some company was working on an LCD lens that worked kind of like a hologram and would produce a very three dimension looking image. What happened to that ?

Truthfully, not much is going to beat HD. LOL uselessness. somethings you have to say ” why would anyone fall for this?”. i mean come on. If you need some sort of glasses that allow you to see better definition…. See an optometrist.
I certainly will not be buying one of these to do the full evaluation. The price is way out of my budget and the possible out come and effects on me far outways my desire (minimal) to even try watching these.

The Breath of Blu-ray

 [tags]blu-ray, blue ray, definition, detail, flat screen, hidef, high, high def, investment, lcd, liquid crystal, online investment, plasma, progressive, Resolution, share holder, sony, stock, stock market, xbox[/tags]

Looks as if Sony has taken its deep breath and sucked the last stitch of life out of HD platform disks and media. This makes HD players a soon forgotten, obsolete, useless media, much like what happened to Sony years ago with the beta max.

The Death Blow.

NetFlix went exclusively Blu-ray. Anyone with pre-ordered HD NetFlix will be getting regular dvd’s. Best Buy will exclusively recommend Blu-ray. (Thanks, Andrew McCaskey from Slash Dot Review). If you want more detail on this listen to the episode of 2/11/08

My question is, “If you people see this like I do, then why have you not invested in Sony as I have?” I mean, you guys do realize that Blu-ray is Sony.. Right? Now, is the time to move as much of your stocks over to Sony, because the Goliath of a machine they have for a gaming platform (that is the most convenient form of Blu-ray player). As of right now, it is the one gaming console with the least amount of games. There is just three months before it explodes, ending its typical first quarter with a mess load of games. This, of course, will bring even more people into purchasing Sony’s games & company stock.

Now that huge, high definition televisions are holding down the carpet in your house is about to become a greater resource as the video standards start sliding towards Blu-ray’s quality. Your 52″ HDTV with it’s 1080p resolution is about to become typical and common place, but you do not get there without selling a few million first.

The moment you know it’s way to late, is when Microsoft announces “Yeah, we are releasing a Blu-ray drive for the XBOX 360.”

You do have to realize that every kid is going to want to drop their current console because they want be ‘like the rich kid’ and get the more expensive one. Kids are that way, ‘the rich kid’ always gets the stuff no one can afford and brags to everyone how cool it is. Then when everyone has it, he drops it and gets something more expensive. Well, there is no console more expensive than the Sony Blu-ray. The rich kid and poor kid will soon have the same thing and they can actually play the same game online. Although, online games are free with Sony and you have to pay monthly fees for XBOX Live. Maybe, if the timing is just right, Microsoft will release the 360 Blu-ray with 300 gig hard disk and a more expensive version of XBOX Live to give the rich kids something to run to when all the other kids convert. Of course, that means Microsoft will have to pay Sony for rights to use the Blu-ray format. :-) Do you get what I am saying here?

Watch the dang stock!

Blu-Ray Umd For a Blu-Ray PSP ? Rumor?

Where did that start?

[tags]high def, definition, HDTV, high, Resolution, lcd, plasma, xbox, sony, blue ray, blu-ray, liquid crystal, flat screen, progressive, hidef, detail[/tags]