The E-Reader from Amazon The New Kindle Was launched. Today.
I am seeing posts from Kevin Rose, Mashable, Techcrunch,cnet, ZDNet all talking about the Kindle and how it is killing or taking the market.
If the new kindle isn’t evolved more than a plastic case, then … well it would look like somebody’s got money to throw in the air.
I hope the new Kindle does rock the scene, someone has to put Apple in it’s place.
Will Amazon make much profit from a world that have a lot of people who already have a device to download books to?
It seems the e-reader business would pretty much be getting limited by now. Considering the cost of this device that lets you read a book as long as your battery will last, and then the cost per book, no place to really put the thing when you are not in your car. the Kindle will not fit in your pocket. Most e-readers if left in your car stand reason for someone to break into your car. If you carry the kindle around with you, you stand a chance of crushing it. So I don’t see much reason that people would want a second e-reader. Sure it helps the environment and keeps us from using the scraps at the lumber mill to make paper from. but most people will first think of what effects them. Then again, many wont.
We shall see what happens in the latest e-reader race,