How do you disable Facebook tagging?

Since Facebook does nothing to stop the sunglasses spammers from tagging you in pictures,let’s help you prevent getting tagged in things you don’t want to be tagged in. Because really, you can get tagged in other things that are really popular and your phone starts buzzing all day long over something you don’t care about. Neat…. a picture of a cheeto that looks like a belly button….

On right side of your screen click the padlock. a menu will pop up (see next image)

At the bottom of the menu click that spot that looks like a disclaimer but says “See more settings”

On left side of the screen click on “Timeline and tagging”
Next you will see “How can I manage tags people add and tagging suggestions?” look to the right and you will also see these three things:
Review tags people add to your own posts before the tags appear on Facebook?
When you’re tagged in a post, who do you want to add to the audience if they aren’t already in it?
Who sees tag suggestions when photos that look like you are uploaded?

Change those to what you feel comfortable with.
To allow no one to see what you are tagged in turn the first option on. That will prevent people from posting tags to your timeline. The next one if it is set to “only me”. Doesn’t allow it to get any further.
The last one set to “no one”, allows no one to get suggestions to tag you in pictures. This forces the tagger to have to type your name and purposely mean to tag you in a picture. Even though they see that you clearly do not want to be tagged.

Years ago you could tell Facebook to not allow people to tag you in pictures. That was removed when Facebook was working on perfecting their facial recognition software back in 2008 or so.
So don’t count on Facebook allowing you to block tagging.

Facebook Picture Tagging Issue

truxtertechFacebook, the website that allows you to upload pictures, and videos. The website that allows you to connect with friends. This place has additional functions such as marking the location you are and tagging friends that are with you when you post. There is also the ability to tag a photo of someone.
You can tag as many people as you feel like tagging in one location or one picture or in a picture that also has their location stated with a check-in.

The Problem
The issue with pictures being tagged with unsuspecting people in them, is it’s never a picture the victims like. EXAMPLES: Facebook Etiquette
facebook picture tagging is bad and it is a horrible change in our culture where someone else can give up your privacy. Any respecting person would not upload anyone’s picture to the internet without their permission. It does not matter if the person/victim already uploaded that same picture to their own profile. It is no one’s right to take that picture and then upload it to the internet where it will sit until the person who uploaded the picture decides to take the picture down. Some of us if we upload a picture of ourselves, we should have full rights to delete said picture if some day we notice something we do not like about that picture. No one should have that over anyone on the internet.
Far too much bullying can go on with a picture of someone going live on the internet, and everyone seeing that picture until the victim logs in and goes through the rigorous steps to have that photo removed.
Misleading pictures can be uploaded and cause divorces.
Parents disowning.
Showing a stalker where someone is.
Showing a bully where someone is.
Giving a bully a picture to work with while harassing the victim

Collages of friends, are stupid.. Stop it.what is this, 2006?

The fix
The fix for most of the issues, is if someone tags you in a photo, that photo should not be allowed to go live until you accept it.
Basically, the photo just won’t be seen by anyone but the person who uploaded it, and the people that are tagged in the photo. Many may allow it and accept the tag, but it still will not be seen by the victim’s friends and family, until the victim allows it.
This would stop the tag spam too.