Check Website Status

If you have been looking for a place to evaluate your website, or just looking for status on your website in google page rank or in alexa rank or dmoz rank, there is now a place to check this status Website Status, value and worth.
This should help with your seo (search engine optimization). Tell you what your current status is, and what tweaks you may need to better your position.
I myself got sick of running down the gauntlet of links in Google or Bing or even Yahoo.

The one Here you will find at Website Status, value and worth Did not give ME any pretty results and well that kinda is a bummer. but it tells me what I need to know. There are many sites out there that tell me my site is worth a few hundred thousand dollars, and there are a few sites out there that tell me it is worth less than fifty bucks. I love working on this site and all of the upgrades I do so to me it is priceless, kind of like the results I get (lol).

So go see what your website is worth and see what your page rank is in Google,dmoz, and Alexa. It can only give you an idea of what mechanical method people use before purchasing your established domain name. Don’t get mad if the value is not what you want it to be, it could very well be worth more in a sentimental way or a more logical manor than what this php script evaluates.

The Ninja Pirate

I declare war.

War on those who oppose.

I admittingly openly say that I myself pirate distributions of Linux operating system, because I use a torrent program to obtain it from the links on the linux distribution sites. I am so greedy that I do not share my copies or modded versions with anyone, until it clears inspection by the Linux community. I ninja my software.

I am the ninja pirate, I raise the flag the masked skull and cross-swords.

If you feel the same or even understand what I said, raise your flags.

TruXter Flag

Ninja Pirate