Phone Demos CES 2013

Firefox Phone OS DEmo

Ubuntu Phone OS Demonstration

These two look like great phone operating systems. The Ubunto phone though surely has more developers and would most likely have a greater chance of surviving the market. but if the Firefox phone makes it out to enough people in the market, we could see a huge drop in phone prices and an increase in advertisement (sponsored by) but the question I have is “Does the firefox phone run on a Linux kernel?”. If this is a fact then lots of my fears of Microsoft and Apple consuming Linux, can be put to rest. Unless the Linux group is building up (fattening up) the market for sell off.

but that has very little to do with phones.

Sorry I didn,t have anything to write so I popped out opinions. These phones look like they will be great options/alternatives over the big three. Sorry rim lovers, you don’t make the list.



Steam Box here or Vaporware?

Is the steam box something real that we can look forward to? or is the Steam box just vaporware?

Steambox IMHO is not a rational gaming choice for PC gamers. Great for Console gamers. but all of the consoles already have this option.

As a pc gamer, we should be asking “What is the gain of having a machine that built specifically for downloaded games” and then wonder what are the limitations.
Like upgrade capability, Exclusive (proprietary) parts. Like look at apple’s website for the cost of a stick of ram. Ram that is identical to the ram in a windows computer. Will this steam box be the same?

PC gamers, a “pc console” is not a pc.

Story is that Valve has their own machine coming out and it runs on linux. and they are in deals with steam. This in it’s self is a great promising future for pc gaming. So long as I can build my own linux computer and use steam games.

Space Travel – Evolve or Die

Our transportation should be 100% solar by now.
Global monopoly induced planetary demise.

Hydrogen power is a not a renewable resource.
Carbon power is not a renewable resource.
Petroleum power is not a renewable resource.

Solar is the only form of power that continues to hit us and our time to use it is limited by the length of existence of it’s source. Basically we are letting something shoot right past us, going to waste, while we continue to consume something we will never get back.

Solar cells could/should be stronger.

Imagine if Nasa was capable of producing enough wind energy to get lift off, purely on solar energy and some big ass fans. Instead of 4000000 gallons of petroleum.

Would we then be willing to fund space exploration? I think we would.

On an odd note, has anyone tried to test wind propulsion in space yet?
I know that in theory it shouldn’t work, but has it been tested? How often are theories wrong?

Nasa should have worked on Increasing the amount of energy created from solar power, long ago. Space travel would most likely be a lot further along by now. Actually I am certan it would be. Flight would be further along. If lift off could be created solar energy strong enough to leave orbit, then imagine how airplanes would be moving by now. Instead they blast so much fuel just in take off.

We need to fix this. This isn’t a future thing. This is a now thing that should be fixed now. It has to be fixed now.