We have a Speco DVR and have set up our user names and ports and passwords for access with our iPhone or Android apps. We need to remember those setting for later. (if you scroll down you will see the settings I usually use, but you can use whatever you like)
Set up modem/router firewall
Name your device name whatever you want in the modem . I use simple but identifiable names. DVR-1, and DVR-2 if there is more than one.
I use the same local i.p. addresses every time. Real simple ones too
Device name=DVR1
audio port will be 5446 automatically
Local port I select 8181
Device name=DVR2
audio port will be 4555 automatically
Local port I select 8282
You can use the same settings in the android/iphone.
Now download and install Speco Player.
The icon will be black, on both android and iPhone. I’ve only seen rare occasions where I needed any of the other speco apps. That has been a couple years now.
- Speco iPhone
- Speco Android
Android Speco Setup
Click on the Speco player icon to launch the application.
When the application opens, click on “Live view/Playback”.
The next screen will just have demo settings by default.
This is where your menu button saves your sanity. So click your menu button.
Click the “Add” area on the left lower section.
You will see the screen where you can type in the information you set up on the Speco DVR such as open ports and user name and password and either I.P address or DDNS.
I typically opt out of DDNS and use I.P. address. even when the location of the latest install is on a dynamic I.P. . I’ve seen issues with some ISPs with the DDNS needing authentication when the I.P. address changes. So. I still have to go back out anyway. and it can be time consuming to use the DDNS and get it accepted. Especially if the DDNS service is down, or malfunctioning, or slow to react. Don’t hand the I.P. address out to just anyone.
Name your device name whatever you want. I use simple but identifiable names. DVR-1, and DVR-2 if there is more than one.
You can use the same settings in the modem/router firewall.
Device name=DVR1
Password= whatever you gave it. Default is 1111
The settings on iPhone is pretty much the same but has a few variations. So let’s cover this
Setting up Seco player on iphone
Launch the Speco player app. you should see “Device List”
To add a new device to the list (DVR), just press the plus symbol in the top right of your phone’s screen.
This will take you to a page titled “My Site”
This would be where you type in your DVR information
again, “Site” could mean location or one of many DVRs at that location. That’s all interpretation.
When you have successfully connected your Speco DVR to your iPhone, you should start seeing video footage when you select the “live” option.
sometimes the site may have a camera out, or your app could load slowly due to internet speeds.
If you select to use Easy DDNS, just use that information instead of I.P. in the iPhone.
To Delete the Speco Demo Settings From an iPhone:
If you have been struggling to delete the Speco demo examples from your iphone I have a pretty simple fix for you.
Just click each demo in the settings and swipe the name to the left.
Demo 1 – swipe left.
You will see a delete option.
If you have the version (android and iphone) that does not have the plus symbol or add button. Just delete the demos and relaunch the app. It will force you to create a new connection.
once your new connection is added, hit the folder option in the corner.