The Biofuel Most Studied

I have been watching these videos about these cars that use up our water resources but state “only by-product is a puff of steam.” That is a misleading statement. It’s not like we get the water back. Only a small puff of steam from a full tank is returned back to our use.

See its advertisements and witty wording, and the public mass that upsets me on the whole ” Oh I’m gonna save the world and drive a car that uses water instead of gasoline.” Durh… I am pretty sure we could wipe out all the lakes in Utah, in less than a week. in the end get back to our atmosphere, a whole whopping half a gallon of water.

See it seems that it’s the Nimrods who buy bottled water for $2 a 20 oz bottle and gripe about gasoline being $4 a gallon, (do you see the irony?) that seem to be so dang gung-ho on the idea of using water for fuel. Honda seems to already have a car out that uses up our water. I am quite sure it isn’t cheap. and I sure do not see water or steam squirting out the exhaust pipes.

Back in the days when I was a rebellious kid, I did some studying. Lots of studying, on the topic of the uses of hemp. People for years have been making clothes, oils, paints, food, soap, and many other things out of hemp.

Well last night I got a refreshing flashback when I did a search for fuel alternatives. I came across

It seems they made a biodegradable fuel that burns well enough to put into a Mercedes. These guys went on a journey of 13,000 miles and had an average mileage for the entire trip of 21 mpg. I know these days 21 mpg does not sound that great. But that car was not brand new, and you have to imagine they saw some hilly country with the heater blasting. In traffic.

Under many circumstances, they achieved 21 true miles per gallon. and the planet lost nothing from it, except some stems and seeds. Stems and seeds that can be replenished, regrown, refilled. Water is a resource we cannot live without. Water is a resource we need to make our food, to nourish our bodies.

I am against cars that destroy a resource as valuable as water.

Gas Money Saving Gadgets and tips

I am so upset with gas prices right now, Heck I even made a bumper sticker.

As you can see, I wasted a little bit of time while at work today. But the main goal was to see if I can find a mod for my car that would allow me to reduce my consumption of fuel. Everything is getting so frickin costly these days and the value of a dollar is down so dang far. why are people not getting paid more yet? You hear of these stupid monster sized oil companies who report extreme profits. Go to the nearest gas station that you know has an employee working there that has been in the cashier spot for more than two or three years. Ask that cashier if they are making anything better than what they where making back when gas prices where less than half what they are now. The answer will be no. Clearly it will be no. The place where you sell the most price rising necessity and the c.o. group does not even lay some relief on their cashiers.

Sure you can tell yourself “it’s their fault for getting a crummy job”. That statement or thought makes you a worthless piece of $%^& !!!!!! Do not judge someone by your standards, your standards are not what make the world. And if they did, no one would be standing there to sell you gas or listen to you cry about it. Now leave the cashier alone before the word “postal” gets renamed.

Ok enough with that rant.  Let’s see what it is that we need.

In my theory if we could increase horse power without a physical modification other than software or a simple trick Then we are in the right direction. I drive a 40o+ v8 car that gets me to work three days 18 miles away, per tank of gas. So I need a simple trick to try that makes it less fuel bogging to increase my power. See I figure if I can do that, then it will not take as much gas to get me going. Getting going is the roughest part.

What I found
How To Save Money on Gas

FUEL Alternatives
Break Through?
hybrids dooshmobiles
Very Well stated methods to saving gas
Use water not gas? are these dudes mental?…. we can live without gas!

more stuff to read -This thing looks retarded

“The Elektro-Karb is a high-performance electronic device.

Its precisely-made parts, the Frequency Generator,

Harmonic Resonance Cavity, Waveguide and “Elektrol”

Economizer all work in close harmony to produce powerful

and efficient sonic vaporization ” <— bs useless mumbo

jumbo. harmonic resonance cavity? means it’s hollow… right?

saves gas?

“Tight supplies and high prices for natural gas are

likely to boost home energy bills for air conditioning

and electricity in summer and heating in winter”

Gas saving rules to live by

“Always have your car tuned-up regularly.
Maintain a steady rate when driving you car.
Schedule buying your gas during the cool hours
Close you car windows when you are driving on the highway.
Minimize the use of air conditioners
Lessen your car’s load.
heck if tires inflated accordingly”

There are a million and one links when you do a search, but nothing really worth using except I think two so far and they just tell you to take off slow and steady and not go past 60mph. To me that is the best advice out there I guess I was looking for some magical metal thing I bolt on somewhere that makes my gas mileage better. I do not see that, no where. But I do look. I do not want to downsize anything I have or restrict anything infact I would like to be less restrictive so air and fuel flow easier, hopefully causing less need for use of at least one of those two resources.

There does not seem to be any legit techy device out there as of yet.

Hasn’t happened yet, guess I will park the machine and get a ricer fart car dooshmobile.