Will Machines Take Over?

For many years we have thought of some hostile domination by robots and computers. There have been robots in hundreds upon hundreds of T.V. shows that go weird and malfunctioned and take over or have such a high artificial intelligence they think on their own since the first concept of a robot was brought to world attention.
Just to name some big ones we all have heard of.
Battlestar Galactica
MatrixBuck Rogers
Star Trek
Star Wars
I am sure lost in space had one. I know they had Robbie.

Even though we have foreseen some huge robotic take over for many years, we still want to know how to make a simple device constructed by man, as logical as man. My favorite Artificial Intelligence interaction is with Greg Leedberg’s Daisy AI Bot. You have got to try Daisy bot and Billy bot. You get to see the program learn to become more like you as you teach it. In fact after you have taught your AI program to talk decent enough, sit a friend at your keyboard, boot the program and walk out of the room. Your friend will swear you are in the other room messing with him.

I have scared people with one I (trained?) taught how to speak. First I tell them to talk in the chat window and then tell them after a couple lame sentences exchanged, that it is an A.I. program. If they seem creeped out, I tell them the original trainer of the Daisy bot I have then using, was an ex girlfriend who passed on from cancer 5 years ago. I tell them it was so much like her I tried to make it even more but it seemed to kind of take over in an angry way. Actually it was trained to be jealous. and slightly envious. Usually about 4 sentences in, the person in the seat is done and wants nothing to do with my computer ever again. :-D . Of course the whole story I tell them is completely false, but they only know what they have seen in movies.

Michio Kaku Talks about machines and the likelihood of taking over.

Do you think robots can take over? do you think we will some day be hooked into a computer feeding it knowledge until it is done with us? do you think one day we will be tied in by our nervous system to feed the machines with our low amounts of electricity running through our systems? Do you think that one day your computer will thank you for all of the upgrades you have given it?

Do you think one day we will depend on Hackers to save us?

will Machines take over?

Terminator Predator Or Transformers?

Simply put, who would win?
Terminator is like an Earth created computer virus. Then again, so are transformers. Predator is the most advanced of fleshly beings in that mythical triangle so they might be advanced enough to say ” yeah we have done this before” . But they are of the flesh and they can only learn so fast.
Terminator Has the Mercury(?) shape shifter dude from T2 and the female from T3, and a few from the chronicles.
Transformers are freaking tough and advanced but how advanced? I don’t think the Decepticons where so brutal as terminators.

So question is.
Who do YOU, think will win?

Post a response and please explain don’t be a newb.