Terminator Predator Or Transformers?

Simply put, who would win?
Terminator is like an Earth created computer virus. Then again, so are transformers. Predator is the most advanced of fleshly beings in that mythical triangle so they might be advanced enough to say ” yeah we have done this before” . But they are of the flesh and they can only learn so fast.
Terminator Has the Mercury(?) shape shifter dude from T2 and the female from T3, and a few from the chronicles.
Transformers are freaking tough and advanced but how advanced? I don’t think the Decepticons where so brutal as terminators.

So question is.
Who do YOU, think will win?

Post a response and please explain don’t be a newb.

2 thoughts on “Terminator Predator Or Transformers?”

  1. Clearly since i love terrans in Starcraft and since predator is like protoss, I have to say Transformers. Simple minded straight to killing machines made by man.

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