ZDnet says FAA Hacked


ZDnet says FAA Hacked (in so many words)

Thanks to wirelessPacket’s twitter post for the heads up.

Um… crap!

Two of the 48 files on the breached computer server contained personal information about more than 45,000 FAA employees and retirees who were on the FAA’s rolls as of the first week of February 2006.

Cross fingers we get our stuff back, and up, the theives do not live to tell or do anything about it.

Comparing AMD to INtel

If intel tells you the processor is 4000 megahertz then that is exactly what it is, if they sell that processor to you with that rating at $400 then you know what you bought at the price you paid. If amd sells you anything similar at the same price it is a 4000+ at 400 dollars. This amd 4000+ is actually a 2500 with the ability to act like a 4000 mhtz processor. Somehow amd has been able to sell you this belief as if you are saving money because you are buying an overclocked processor. That never has made any sense to me. They over clock a low speed processor and sell it at the same price as a legit 4000 mhtz processor? How is this saving you money? If the processor was a 8000+ from a 4000 mhz processor being overclocked sold at the same price as a 4000 MHz Intel, then you clearly would have a good deal.

The die hard AMD fans have always seemed to have big grey X’s over their eyes and they look like they are in daze when I try to explain how they are being scammed with the combination of two words, “overclocked” and “deal”. We can all overclock.
There is no need in paying for an overclocked lesser processor at the same price as a high rated processor that you can overclock for yourself.
Amd is clearly the loser in my eyes and intel is the pure winner in this case.
Now comes the hopes”
Amd has recently purchased Ati. Ati makes video card chips and accessories. Through current research and many studies we have seen that video card processors have more power than cpus (central processing units). There is hope that amd/ATI are working on a very strong excessively impressive processor for a cpu that can do what a normal processor can do,tenfold. This would mean the processor and motherboard might be standard, meaning the processor can not be upgraded because it is affixed to the motherboard and will not be capable of being removed. This might actually be an issue, unless they sell these motherboards at a nice low price. This could also lead to duel processors on a board that actually work well together and have upgradeable drivers that could lead to nice clean usage of all aspects of the processor.but for now that is just hopes.

Clearly as of now untill anything new is announced, Intel is clearly the successor.

GTAIV Vice City Or San Andreas Next?

Clearly it will be Vice City. San Andreas is the final city each time and Liberty City is where you start.
On GTAIII Vice city is what happened after the Game coders smoothed out the code and repacked it to take less space, allowing them to pack more crap in one game.
GTAIII Took a hearty machine back in the day, as GTAIV take a Hearty Machine these days. Vice city took a slightly stronger computer on III, yet played twice as smooth. Vice city will play smoother again. If computer gamers are allowed a chance to ride the GTAIV tail to the end, then GTA PC Fans will be in for a re-occurring blast.
Will we see a yellow washed city again? I was not bothered by that in III , It gave the feel of a sunny city. Especially after Rainy Liberty City. More Boats, less garbage, more old people and malls. The only things I anticipate. I am ready for the announcement .
What I hope for, is a glimpse at an old burned out Tommy Vercetti, in a retirement home, along with the un named Guy from GTAIII, And Carl Johnson from San Andreas living up on the beach, with no role in the game other than showing he is still alive.

There was an interview with the creators of Grand Theft Auto, and they said that we will not see any persons returning in GTAIV Because they are all dead. Vice city in GTIII was a step back in time, and so was San Andreas, what will happen in that case? will they close the books for good and show us how they all die?
Buy the next game, Buy the pc version to get the real deal, and we will know what’s up.

Have Fun Good Luck


Houston Courthouses Down For the three Count

Virus Takes Hold of Houston Courthouses. No Report  if any personal information was acquired or compromised.

Link Here

Read the responses. They will leave you laughing.

I wonder if the person who opened the door to the virus still won that free iPhone.

My question is ‘ did that fake virus scanner work yet? did they pay full price?”  ok that was mean..

Leo Laporte Dropping IRC CHatroom?

Last Night after the recording of T.W.I.T. Leo Mentioned something of this.

Some of the chatroom whent nuts, the rest had o/s wars.

As long as i have known Leo, his chatrooms have been the backbone of grey cells.

We the chatters have been a group, collabrative effort to keep his show informative so we ourselves can continue to learn from him and each other. The ability to interact with him is the best part. To some day have your screen name mentioned on the show. but it looks as if he is about to uproot himself.

I truly hope he has a good plan.


Work Pc bad performance, Pci Slot Need Help

Ok I am going to post a copy and paste of what I was saying in forum on pcpitstop. Not much help there, even though the title says, well… you will see..
actual convo : http://forums.pcpitstop.com/index.php?showtopic=165060

<i>I am using a dell dimension 3100 with a 2.9 g single core
2 gigs pc 3200
I have a video card in this old beast I bought from staples
the video card is a verto pny 8400 pci (not pci-e)
when I take the bench tests without the card, I get a better score in 2d.
in fact , if i have the card in it takes about 45 seconds to perform that part of the test.
without the card it is instant.
Anyone have any old pci tips I can use to get this thing off th ground and moving faster?:
I really need the tips, since I am limited to this machine and use it for cad and flash and photoshop

I understand that.
But the 2d takes about 40 seconds to complete.
as apposed to less than a second like it used to do.
or as it does with my home pc. i’m just looking for some old school tweaks.

Bios only allows me to select auto or onboard. sadly enough.

I have two gig pc3200 (the machine is a bit dated but it’s a work pc)
when I am in cad, as I scroll down pages I actually see waves like as if I haven’t installed drivers
although it will allow me to crank video setting to 32 bit and 1280/1024 and i have the nvidia control panel
just like if if the drivers are installed. so it acts like there is no drivers while it shows drivers. have uninstalled and reinstalled and updated and updated . I think I’m at the latest 181.22 or something .

The thing acts worse than if I used onboard.
I mean while in adobe flash, in autodesk,cad, photoshop, or anything that uses video. I have probably 12 grand in software installed on this machine so moving to another is not foreseeable any time soon.
and yes I am a long time pc gamer so I know how to reduce start up programs and disable items as I run another that uses tons of resources.
as i remember there used to be a driver addon we used to use for agp slots called a “gart”. and if i remember correctly, there was something for pci slots, but of course it’s a dell pc so drivers and software are limited.

I am tempted to locate a modded bios for this and set it so I can turn that dang onboard gpu off.

and yes what finch was saying is perfectly correct. But for the 2d segment of the pcpitctop test (the part with the descending rings) to take 45+ seconds. Something is clearly wrong. I have taken this test on probably all of about 17 computers here in the office, some with radeon pci-e some radeon agp some with nvidia agp and or pci-e some with onboard gpu and the ring portion always takes less than a blink. never does it take it take 45+ seconds except on my machine with an 8400 gs pci card or on a machine that has no drivers yet (we recently added monitors to a few pcs for the ladies here to watch a buncha junk going on with our installers and tracking). i just know i am forgetting to do something.</i>
Sorry, but reallu I am that dang lazy, I wrote all that out once, and it seemed to hit the mark. but erm it fell on wrong ears, or at wrong pace.
Heck I dunno.

and yes, that is pci slot, not pci express.

High Priority List Display

Where I work, I get handed jobs and drawings to edit. Constantly. I am working on a way of showing people what is top on my priority list. If anyone knows of maybe a flash executable or something, so as people come to my desk asking when I will get their job done. Could you let me know??? I really need this. What I have isn’t coming together that well. It would be kinda cool if it would save to a specified txt file each job I do, as It makes it to the page in line, till I click “done” so the next can take the number one slot. would be nice if it logged all that. Kinda help me keep track of the jobs I am doing.
