The Truth about What You Share on Facebook – but wait till you see what happens next

facebookThere is a current gullibility in Facebook that is an old media tactic to get readers and viewers.  Usually this tactic delivers an uneventful outcome and often is someone who embeds a video from YouTube into their page where they just talk about what is in the video. Instead of just linking you to the video it’s self. Instead they are trying to get their page shared to share the content of the YouTube video so the website owner can cash in on the hard work of the video maker.

Some people with good videos on YouTube, have advertisements in their video so they can be credit for their work in a manor that does not harm the viewers nor does it cost the viewers anything except a few seconds of their time as the advertisements load.

youtubeWhat you can do as a respecting person, is click the title of the video at the top left and that will take you to the YouTube page. share and like that. This gives more credit to the person who actually made the video. Not the leeches.


Let’s be honest, you really have no idea if the site with the video embedded in it, is trustworthy or not.

To many unfair people out there.
Only the internet should determine what is distasteful and disrespectful. So now that power is in your hands.

and yes I titled this like they do “wait till you see what’s inside”.

Be sure and pass this on when you can.


Crazy Woman smashes her own face on laptop in video

crazyLady smashes face on computer and you want to now if it is real.

Facebook current viral video is of a woman in what I suspect is her dining room, just sitting and staring at the laptop camera and she suddenly smashes her face against her laptop. Repeatedly.
Woman in video smashes her face against the computer until her nose is bleeding and forehead is gushing blood.
Here is the link that gets shared on Facebook which is a 9 second cut from the 1.5 minute YouTube video posted below. Watch the Facebook  video first, please.

This video is titled “Girl goes Psycho during make up tutorial” also found as”Woman goes crazy during makeup tutorial” .

It’s fake.
Listen to the sound.
It’s someone beating on a garbage can. Instead of the sound that plastic of a laptop or keyboard makes when you smash it.
The cut on her forehead, notice the lump (you do not knot up that fast, blood has to clot (or fever build)  so the lump is fake, blood pack)…. she had to tilt head back to hide flaw in blood pack.
There is a buzz sound to make you think the microphone in the laptop is damaged when it actually wouldn’t sound like that in a laptop. That is more like an amplifier having an input cable removed, the buzz sound you hear is when a hand grabs the chord and grounds it.

This a stunt by a low quality make up artist, trying to get noticed

This psycho video was created to promote something called “The 15 Experience“. Some guy is making a web series.

Thanks to Jon in the comments section, Her name is Nakia Secrest, she is an actress.


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