Match Might be Digging to much Personal Information

A woman got violated while on a date that she set up on So now Match is going to screen users for background checks to weed out sexual offenders. To many people this sounds great. but what if the woman met the man by old school means. like in a bar or at the grocery store or while picking up her grand mother from the old folks home? Would the owner of the facility be responsible for not screening the people that come in to their facility? This leads to lots of innocent people getting violated by an imperfect system. This is people’s private records, identification numbers, driver license numbers and social security number obtained by a piddly website that has lots of spam bots in it’s system, holding information that could lead to your personal identity being stolen.
With the fall of epsilon being hacked by grade school kids, we need to not visit a website that wants this kind of legal right to request such personal information.
Sure safety is great and you can think that if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about. Great, paint your social security number on the side of you car and think that no one reads anything or knows what to do with it any way.
The more you fall into trying to secure things and make it safer, the more vulnerable you make yourself.

I personally am not giving up the legal right to dig into my legal records.

I am offended by how open the news and media is about this. Just because a woman may have got groped or what ever the case is, you should not violate the rest of the planet. If you feel unsafe being there after reading the end user license agreement, then leave and don’t come back.
I actually tried Match many years ago. It took almost 8 years to get to stop sending me emails saying that someone was wanting to talk to me.I canceled my account and still got notice that someone wanted to talk to me, so I would foolishly log back in every two or three years and re-activate my account, and then find that I had no emails, no person wanting to contact me.
To me, these are foul tactics. And chances are, Match is the trooper to get a new law out that will sweep across all websites. and in doing so Match will get more advertisement for it’s self than it has ever had in it’s 10-15 years active.
funny thing is, I bet I get an email from them telling me to update my information or my account will be deleted. I bet this repeats it’s self twice a week for the next three years.

My two cents.