SOPA Could Sopa Threaten Legitimate Reviews?

While looking at the list of Sopa Supporters, I can’t help but wonder what their motive is for supporting a law that is pitched to stop online piracy. There are shoe companies supporting SOPA. Shoe companies and wire makers.
One wire company is known for selling tv audio cables for $200+ While the quality of the audio from the cables doesn’t get any better than what is produced by the hardware they are connected to.  This leads to the whole post here. This company has tons of negative reviews for misleading people into buying a $200 cable that is no better than a $15 cable. If sopa is passed, then saying that company’s name would be an infringement on their intellectual property.

Means I can not tell you the name of the company and warn you who’s company to watch out for.

Is this what the planet has become? Slaves to a corporate world that tells us what we like and assures us it is the best available and does not let us say different?

I will personally boycott every company on that list I linked to. I am not suggesting that you do anything.

Just telling you what I am going to do.. Even if SOPA fails. We think it probably will not.