Personal Budget Software re-Review

A few months ago I found a free budget management software. I was quite pleased with what I found. At the time, the Software developer didn’t have any traffic That i could detect. I was skeptical about downloading the budget software.  I decided to run a few  scans form Clean. Not one issue with the budget software at all. So I installed the free software I got from TZIsoft.

I have written a few things on the net about how I am looking for a bank that has a better online banking interface, simply because I am not very good at keeping up with my records and budget. so I was quite desperate to locate a good safe personal budget software that wouldn’t  break me. Again, I can not keep record worth a darn. TZIsoft personal budget software, has been nothing but pure help. I really do appreciate all of the times I could just pop open this software and see exactly what my current spending range is. I have not had MS office on my laptop on years, but I have had open office on the laptop for quite a while, the personal budget software allows me to export my budget report to an MS Office file that is easily opened with open office. I then put the office file on my Droid phone and leave the house. I can then make adjustments through the day, to take the file back with me when I go home. Sometimes I email the thing to myself throughout the day with updates. Sure there are probably easier way of doing that part, but its cool to just know what could happen.

Free Personal Budget Software download page. Look at all of the acknowledgment  the coder has now received. You have to scroll to the bottom, that part is like an easter egg for you for you to find after the coder briefs you on the capabilities of the budget software.

Remember, this is a free budget keeping software. This software is not the be all end all software and will not prevent you from doing things you should not do. The writer of this budget and record keeping software made it to help you document your transactions and calculate your current spending limits. Anything you do not input into the budget software is on you. So if you mis-spend outside of your limit, the software maker nor I can be held responsible. Nothing is guaranteed by me other than I liked the software, it was free, and the budget software helped me greatly. I have not been paid to link to the free software nor have I been paid to leave my review. I have never met the coder but i did send a big thank you email and a copy of my first review of personal budget.

Look around, there are more downloads and more software to try out from there.