Basically Going on nothing but experience of the past few Grand Theft Auto games and knowing the way that Rockstar launches the Grand Theft Auto screenshots, I am trying to map out the locations of each image of GTAV as it comes. but the mission with this post is to compare the GTAV locations to the same images or closely similar images in San Andreas from the previous Grand Theft Auto gaming engine (GTAIIIengine).
The Bridge in GTA five picture
How often does Rockstar put a bridge going over a body of water, and you are still in the same city when you get to the other side of the bridge ?



The Real Location
Oram Bridge is found to the far south on the west side of the map of san andreas (gtaiii) engine
Just a few hundred meters/yards South East from Mount Chilliad

Oram Bridge on map for GTA San Andreas
According to San Andreas on GTA III engine, we are looking at two land masses that you have to cross to get to this bridge. Rockstar tells us that we only get one city. Los Santos. but we can see this is not so true . Right?
Mountain in GTA 5 picture

chilliad gtav

Mullholland area



Mullholland area is hard to tell but if anyone has a screenshot tha is similar to the tennis court, please post a link to it below.
My assumption is if you are 1 block from the Vinewood sign in gta san andreas (gtaii engine) facing the sign (presumably north) from 1 block away from the base of the hill, look to your left (presumably west). and travel about 4 blocks and then stop and turn back to the north.. somewhere within a 4 block radius is the similar location as the spot found in gta v with the tennis court.
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