A Stalking Website?

I was just notified that I was listed on a website “spokeo.com”.
They have every single house I ever lived in, listed.
They have me listed at some crazy high amount of income. They show photos of my house from the street. and they show how many people live in my house and their age.
I thought these “find people” websites had a legal standard of what information they could show?
The person who told me this was a sister of mine. She had to move from the area she was living in because of something that happened to her daughter. Needless to say, they never caught the guys, but they occasionally get mail from one or two of them bragging about what they did. So my sister moved. Now she is getting mail from them again. The guy(s) even told her how they found her. and yes they list her daughter there also, and her daughter’s age.

My sister requested herself removed and my mother and everyone else she knew the address of. Spokeo sent a removal confirmation email, but they are all still listed on that site.
I had to locate every home I lived in with in the past 20 years.
I am still listed on their stalking website.
I am legally unlisted. So how they obtained my information clearly was illegal.
Possibly bought and sold a thousand times over.

To remove yourself from Spokeo go to spokeo.com/contact
go to the drop down menu select “privacy”. type in your name. Do not type in your phone number
Tell them to remove you from the list, and leave a link to the page(s) your are listed on.
There sometimes will be a second page with spot for you to post the link and type in a confirmation code.
I didn’t get that confirmation code, but my sister did. Could be because she removed a lot of people.

Everyone please report this website after you request yourself removed from their listing.
Report them to Google as intrusive, report them to bing as intrusive and posting your personal information.
Get them removed from search engines because what they provide should be illegal.
This site could lead to possible identity theft at the least.
Internet security needs to be a bit more secure than this.
This is how you report a bad website.
Here is another form to report a bad website.
Not sure if either of those will do the trick though. If you have a better link, please post it below.

Here is the confirmation email they sent me.

Dear Spokeo User,

Your directory listing(s) have been removed as requested. Please allow 24 hours to see this change.

Thank you for your patience.

Customer Support Specialist

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 3:10 PM, wrote:

User: non-user
Email: xxxxxxxxxx
Name: xxxxxxxxxx
Topic: Privacy

You have me listed , I have registered through the Texas state to not be listed in any directories, paper or electronic, other than state officials only. You have every home I have lived in before and after I registered with the state. You might be in violation of federal law. I would like to know who you got my contact information from. They themselves are in violation also. please email me contact information of who gave you my information. as you know, I have to do my research before I bring in a third party. Just as you have to verify who you are listing before you just list. I prefer my privacy.

To the readers of this post, If you have a friend or family member listed on that site and you know they are not tech savvy, please request their information be removed from that site, for them. Please help stop this company from intrusion. Please re-post this on your Facebook account or Twitter account, or email this link to family members.

And yes you can request your information be made private from news, public listings and anything not you or the government. In Texas you have to talk to the Department of Public Safety. It’s a short form. I was in and out pretty quick. Did it back in 1996.

ZDnet says FAA Hacked


ZDnet says FAA Hacked (in so many words)

Thanks to wirelessPacket’s twitter post for the heads up.

Um… crap!

Two of the 48 files on the breached computer server contained personal information about more than 45,000 FAA employees and retirees who were on the FAA’s rolls as of the first week of February 2006.

Cross fingers we get our stuff back, and up, the theives do not live to tell or do anything about it.