What the numbers mean in myspace mobsters

You are playing mobsters on myspace, and you keep seeing people post some freaking numbers. You have no idea what to do with those numbers.

Help is here

Ok what you do is highlight those numbers. If you do not know how to highlight. write them down.

Now click on the name of the person who posted the numbers. Either a new window will open, or a new tab will open. You are now looking at your friend’s page. move your eyes to the top of your web browser and look at the link. If you look far right there will be a series of numbers. Those numbers are what everyone is posting. just delete those numbers and type in what your friend posted for you. Some web browsers make those numbers start with a twenty two at the beginning like this :

Practice with  this one punch him once or twice for me.. since I helped you out and all. :-P


without 22 at start



With 22 at the begining

I hope this helped

How does one get traffic to their forum?

Man I spent 2 days setting up m forum and chatroom. I have done all i can to get traffic to them and I do get traffic, but none fricken signs up.  They just show up and look around and then bail. It’s like they don’t want to be the only person posting on a vacant forum. But man, someone has to be the first to go there and post. I am tempted to make fake accounts. but I can’t see how to make posts and not feel like a dillweed.

Heck the forum is the same age as the chatroom. One month.  There is no irc relation at all. My site hosts the full weight of the bandwidth. Heck I have tons of bandwidth and tons of storage . I started a contest and posted the link  while trying to not be spammy.

How in the hell do I get people to post ?

Be Among The First To Join My Tech Forum

I have a forum on my site now, it’s up and running.

To me it was the nicest looking and easiest for me to use. The goal is to just start helping people with tech issues, and cover video games . Well you know, TECH content. I just want to help people and talk about some fun stuff. I have created a few categories and put some content in there. I would like some tips and ideas or maybe a few questions I might be able to answer for you.

So come on in and look around and sign up. Maybe make a post or two. Let me know you’re out there.


Sheesh, after all of the work I did, I linked it wrong.

Link fixed now.


Social networks and the people within

Ok, I have been on digg since it came out.

I kinda enjoyed it, but it always left an empty feeling.

I really think that type of social networking is very unsocial.

I mean, you really can’t interact with other people. Now, I just go there to help rate my friends and stuff they produce. I truly believe that the ability to argue opinions is how people actually communicate and create group minds that solve issues. If I can’t tell someone how they are screwing up, then I’m not talking to them, and vice versa. I want to know where and how I messed up.

So, I am at that type of place to give a big “how do” to my buds and their work, but I go to lockergnome and to live.pirillo.com to really talk and hear other opinions.

where do you go?


Owner and writer of :

iworkwithtech.com and iworkwithpeople.com