Day 1

Splash screen

We use an Intell(R) Pentium(R) p4 2.81 GHZ with 1.5 G Memory

Full format deleted all partitions Let 7 control partitions
Our install of course was the 32 bit version of Win7

Splash Screen says Windows(R) 7 Ultimate, that was free one year from Microsoft’s(R) website. Thanks guys. We appreciate that.
Boot up was fast , about 17 seconds.
3 printers and one plotter on the network.
We have the goal to test all drivers and handling of certain used machines.
At first boot we saw all printers, but when we started the test page to print, there was no printers in the list.
We are now manually installing drivers. Last we tried with vista, the drivers would not install. with seven The Gestetner 525 installed within seconds. Smooth. We now go back and try the Lanier LD122. Next will be Ricoh Aficio mp w2400 Plotter copier
. Server Driver spoiling, is not an option , finds drivers on the server and installs them. Be sure and install the drivers. Twain untested as of yet. Scanner issues will come.
Test page 1 on Gestetner now. print was good on Gestetner.

printed one test page on network win7

Testing windows 7 printing color
We have now consumed 10 gigs of storage. So far we have not installed anything Except printer Drivers
Windows typical keystrokes working as we try.
Loading Symantec Endpoint 11 Work Station Virus Scanner and Firewall To test compatibilities.
noted incompatibility issues, we selected “install anyway”. . So far no prompt for install and no shortcut in quick launch for Symantec, nothing in programs area either, it has been 7 minutes since we started . We are restarting manually to see if we get a boot error.
after reboot, no sign of Symantec.
They did make it clear that Symantec was made for Win Xp, Win 7 is x86/32 bit
Offered to check solutions online, Note is “no solution found” Incompatible. Now we try the 64 bit version of Symantec to see if there is a difference.
Right off we get the “ehh dude, it might not work, doesn’t work for anyone else” notice.
This time it did create the directory for symantec, but quickly uninstalled it. and said that it was interrupted and nothing was modified.
Next we try installing Symantec Server sbe11
More testing to come throughout the week. We want this on our work machines pretty bad. Interesting point, Win7 Identified that the version we have we got from the symantec website, even though it said we had compatibility issues. hmm odd.
Over the next few days we will check Symantec’s site for help on the issue/matter.
We do find a help saying “copy to desktop, run lusetup.exe, reboot, run setup.exe” and all should be good ?????
Maybe ???? Tomorrow we will see.
We install Mozilla Fire Fox 3.0.10 , No Thunderbird today.
good , no notice of compatibility issues. We import nothing, because explorer is a clean install. FF as default.
Install is fine. Fire fox is running well. No issues.
Day one is complete, next tests tomorrow, More writing.
Day Two of Windows 7 Workplace Test.