Playstation Vita

Is the latest coming version of the play station portable PSP. Tekken X Street Fighter already ported to the PlayStation Vita.
PlayStation Vita has a touch screen. Some software has a very Photoshop looking ability to it.
Image hardware looks very greatly amped up from what the PSP had.
There will be a Wifi only model of the PlayStation Vita $249 and a 3g+Wifi model for $299.
Front and rear Touch pads.

Some games for the PlayStation vita can play with and against PlayStation 3
The hand held Console will be released before the year end.
This is the portable gaming system of the next 3 years.

Playstation Phone

Let’s say “educated” rumor of the Playstation phone, will have android on it. And from the picture it looks as if the Playstation phone will use GSM.
from Mashable
I hope they modified the Android o/s to look more like playstation’s o/s. Because well, the ps o/s looks cool.
Looks like the Sony Playstation phone will be using the Ericsson manufacturing (owned by Sony).

pic of Playstation phone

I would have preferred qwerty keyboard with w-a-s-d Steering and i-j-k-l throttling and damper.

If this is the path for the Playstation Portable PSP, then it’s pretty much over for all competitors, phone wise, hand held gaming systems, Media players and anything in between or remotely close.
Only possible competitor would be Nintendo Ds from iphone or rim.
1 gig processor
512 mb ram
1gig of storage.
Should play GTAIII well and all of the GTA stories.
Maybe vice city. surely vice city stories, since the psp played liberty city and vice city stories on a much wimpier processor.
The psp phone (yeah I called it a PSP phone…) will easily play movies in pretty high resolution. Considering my G1 does pretty good and my PSP does pretty well.

What killed Tech Evolution

Ok I understand that if someone wants to sell their work.

They want to be the only person making money on it. And they do not want people to be able to get the software for free. I mean why buy the cow…..

But have you noticed, no one does anything anymore.

Everyone is scared of getting arrested for tweaking files and programs. I mean the past ten years have been amazing in software development. Now it’s just down to a trickle. We aren’t moving faster and faster every time we check, anymore. Those days are gone. Kids now are scared to mod psp software because those who do and show others, get silenced fast.

i mean the most I learned was when I was wanting to make my purchased items better. Like over clocking, there are no over clocking forums left but one or two . I mean back when everyone was tweaking and modding their Xbox, we where learning so much from each other. We where passing notes and moving faster and faster. People emulated machines. Sony killed that when they created psp addons and called them “Emulators” . If you did any searches on the net for “emulator tips” you would find stupid junk that showed you how to change your back ground on your psp. I mean they did that very well I have to give them props. But my god, if it wasn’t for people modding the psp… Sony would have no idea what firmware to add to the stupid battery chugger.

So now you just have to sit around and wait on sony to tell you what’s good.

We are getting dumber by the minute. Don’t bother asking any kids these days how to play a 360 game on a computer. They flip out and tell you you need a decompresser… blah blah blah.. It’s software.

“Encoded” means YOU think it’s unbreakable.

Where is the crowd of people who inspired others to get upset with the useless crap bundled in our gadgets?

What happened to everyone? I feel like it’s becoming a TiVo/Apple world. Where everyone just sits with their mouth open waiting to be given what ever there is to fill it.. And we like it.

Was it laziness? Did the really tech gen just get old and walk away?

Am I a dinosaur? Did everyone stop caring what it is inside their gadget that rattles when you shake it?

Is the new generation the fat gen?

Ps: Don’t share other people’s works. But share the mods you made to make them better.