Tech Forum Relaunch

I just got done rebuilding the tech forum.

My hopes is that we will help each other find solutions to their tech issues. so please sign up and check in from time to time. Maybe someone will ask a question you can answer. I know you guys out there have plenty of witts about you in the computer and electronics field. Not everyone is as good as you guys.

So come to

Sign up. Leave a greeting somewhere or start a new thread, or heck make a request.

Tyler perry’s house of pain sucks (recap)

I wrote on wordpress a bit of a quick rant about how I hate “Tyler Perry’s house of pain”.

It has been almost a year since I wrote this little rant and right now I am finally seeing other people upset about this stupid show. Almost a whole freaking year? Did it really take people that dang long to find out about this show being this total waste of air time? I mean really as person who lives in the same country as this fool I am offended. As a man of the same gender I am offended. As a person who watches fricken tv sometimes. I am offended by this complete and utter crap of a show.

Way to go Tyler Perry, let’s separate people and keep stereotypes alive.

Surely not a show I want to see in hd tv.

The Grand Theft Auto Hating Bandwagon Rolls Out

Looks like another fat face is trying to get his “old people points” up higher by bashing GTA as soon as he can.

Remember, You have a choice in how you play the game. The game does not force you to be with hooker or kill innocent people or steal random stuff. All of that stuff you do on your own. So if they did sick stuff when they played. lol. Then maybe it’s their sick twisted minds that made them do it.

Link Video 1
Link video 2

I got this from here I have no idea what these people are saying, so here is what I have to say.

This guy makes my stomach turn, you can see it in his face that he is milking the attention and couldn’t give two squirts what your kid or his own kid do or does. His eyes glisten with excitement each time he says gta. You can almost hear his heart beating faster and louder each time he thinks he sounds like he is meaning what he is saying. Something about how he had to brag about d.o.s. ing a server by excessive bandwidth due to him putting Miley Ray Cyrus on a server somewhere. Did he not know that he is showing off a minor?

at 45 seconds into the video he says ” We are training our kids to be Killers” . Um who is we? Does this guy have kids? he just said that he is one of a group of people who are training their kids to be killers. He then goes on to say ” and we are training our sons to treat women like whores” I dunno about this guy’s kid, but my son loves women, women love him, what ever he is doing, works. The guy goes on to say “and here’s how I got there.” See? he just said that he does all that and this is how HE achieved this emotional goal to corrupt his kid(s). Maybe it is by deceptive methods of persuasion . Maybe it’s by force. I don’t know.

I didn’t listen to it anymore I was sickened by his twisted mentality, and he seaped of demonic deviance I had to turn it off.

Some how he reminds me of Robert Tilton the evangelist who tells people they need to donate money so they can get into heaven.

If you know who this guy is or what network he is on, can you bother to have him interviewed unskitted unscripted?

Something freaks me out about this guy.

Have You Seen jPod?

Have you seen jPod yet?

It’s yet, another very good Canadian comedy from our beloved favorite director Mike Clattenburg, the guy known for the viral indy series Trailer Park Boys, based on the Douglas Coupland novel of the same name. No, it does not have Robb Wells or John Paul Tremblay. It is not in any way a remake of the Internet hit that we all know and love.

It is on the other hand something that stands a chance of being one. See, there was a glitch with the Y2k bug that threw a handful of game designers at E.A. into a basement area of their game development building. It’s okay, though. This crew of three guys, two girls and their obsessive leader boss are pretty much the biggest cut-ups in the company.

The new boss comes in and decides to overhaul the game that the jPod crew has been working on for some time and turning it into a few things it should never have been. The new boss has no frickin’ taste whatsoever. It’s a blood and guts game, but Steve, the new boss, wants turtles and role model women incorporated into the game. Not against women, just you can not make that big of a change that far into developement.

One guy is a hacker kid.

One guy has screwed up parents. His mother wants him to bury a body and hide the remnants of an illegal plant she has growing back home. I think his dad used to be “Mr. Seaver” from Growing Pains. His wife thinks he is gay and losing his mind.

One girl is an ex-fatty turned hotty with low self-esteem.

One is a hot Asian female with a strong attitude and a mean dad.

And then there is “Cowboy,” the resident Gigolo. He is cool.


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