Trying Siri Like Assistant for android

I have been trying sms readers and text to speech apps for days now. and have not found a single tts program yet that works all that well. So I took a break from the  few I installed.
Motorola Droid Bionic
With Android version:Ice Cream Sandwich

Here are the text to speech apps I liked the most

SMS Reader This one worked for a while, then I opened settings, and exited and it never read my messages again. Also wouldn’t do speech to text.

This one I didn’t like so much. everything was trial.

Now to the Assistant.
So far, the only one worth messing with is called
Assistant from Speaktoit.

You can change the way your Avatar looks. you can tell her/him she/he has a new name and change her/his name. You can send messages to your Twitter account and Facebook account.Your assistant will offer you the chance to have your responses to your Facebook status update read to you when someone replies. You can search for anything nearby. You can search for answers to most questions and you can schedule plans using your Google calendar.

Uses it’s own selection of search engine which could be a Google affiliated program, but not sure. The “search for nearest” isn’t the most correct for any of the searches I did. I even searched for a taco bell right up the street less than a mile away, it showed me one that is ten miles away and said it was three miles away. twitter portion does not use twitter app. Neither does the Facebook status updates. So this thing is constantly running . Which means it sucks your battery down fast.If you tell the assistant to open Facebook app, it tries to post a status to Facebook. Not sure how comfortable I am with giving away so many passwords. With the app open while phone was on charger, my battery dropped to 80%. Normally I can watch youtube videos and post to Facebook and never drop a percent while on charger. When responding to a text message, the other person never gets it.

Tried for a while to locate more voices while going through all of the tts and text to speech searches (yes type it both ways different results). None for free and most apps have their own voices. Surely all of this should come free with the dang phone.

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