World War Android App

World War Droid

This game is addictive. You can play against your friends who have Iphones and the same game. I love cross platform games. Nothing more inviting to make me pick “do I want speed strengthy build and  good looks phone, or do I want reliability ease of button mashing phone” to make me decide what phone I want, than multi-platform games. would be cool if Xbox and Playstation would do this.

The World War app

I waited for a good while to play this game. While my co-workers had it on their Iphone, I was playing a similar game on Myspace called Mobsters. I knew that I was the one who could show these hipsters who’s boss……. but I just couldn’t get the dang game. it wasn’t out for my Moto, and it still wasn’t out when I got my blackberry. Almost five months after I got the G1, here is the game I have been wanting.  World War.

Great game. If you need invites post your gamer code here and let other readers add you.