SEOmoz PRO Training Seminar

From and seomoz email I received today.

SEOmoz PRO Training Seminar (Almost SOLD OUT)
Tickets are selling fast for our Seattle SEOmoz PRO training seminar on August 30th and 31st. The finished schedule is now available and the content, speakers and venue are absolutely amazing. We’d love to have you join us, but the seminar has sold out every one of the past 4 years, so please book now to limit disappointment.

Sign up for the PRO Training Seminar

Hope you’re having a great summer,

Rand Fishkin
CEO | SEOmoz

p.s. Feel free to email me,, or if you’ve got any questions.

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SEOmoz, Inc. 119 Pine St Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98101 UNITED STATES (206) 632-3171

Chrome version mozBar!

Email from SEOMOZ

Hey gang,

I’m sure you’re busy, so I’ll keep it brief.  I’m excited to tell you about two things:

Chrome version of the mozBar!
Many of you have been beating down our door (and tweeting like mad) in hopes of a Google Chrome version of the mozbar. Well, it’s finally here! Please give it a whirl and leave any feedback + check out features:

Download the mozBar for Chrome

Youtube Increases Video Time Limit

You now can upload 15 minute videos. Instead of 10
Cool now the people who pirate movies will be uploading only 4 videos for an hour instead of six.

no really, now my videos can be a little more thorough.
maybe that will stop all of the o.O flash stop and go news(wannabee) videos.
Gives them more time to do more stuff.