A Glitch Within a Glitch GTAIV

Decided to drive to the swingset in Gtaiv on a motorcycle.
I pulled up to the leg of the swingset and bam.. my wheels disappeared. I kept trying to ride away, but that wouldn’t happen. It was as if I was stuck to the swingset. So I got off the bike and was about to just run away, but decided to see if the game sees the bike as being a dead bike. What I mean by that is , sometimes when you trash a vehicle, exit the vehicle and try again to mount/enter, the game will act as if it isn’t there. So I wanted to see what the game  saw it as, it let me on. The bike rolled backward about a foot or so then it froze. I exited again to see if it would happen again. Cool it did, but I was still stuck to the swingset. I kept doing it till the bike disconnected from the swingset, I then rode away with no wheels. On a hover craft like Harley bike thingy lol.

Of course I tried to save it to see what it is like next time I boot the game up. we’ll see when I reboot.

Images are found here at original post


The worst Game Review Ever.

I was surfing the forums at GTAFORUMS.com and stumbled upon a thread about a review of Grand Theft Auto iv for pc. Here is the review.

The “writer” cries about applications that hog resources. As if they are a whole other operating system running in the background. Sorry dude, I have gamed  every GTA game through Linux using wine ( with the exception of GTAIV,  will do soon though.) and I know resource hogging programs when I see them.

The “writer” complains about Rockstar Social Club as if it leaves a huge foot print.  Come on !!!!!!, it’s 28 mb at the most. Then the “writer” goes on crying that he had to create a login for MS Live. Oh come on dude. The game just won Game of the Year for the console versions. Really it’s ok to log in and see when your friends are on. No really, it will not hurt to see when people are ready to game with you.

The “writer” goes on to say that He will buy the xbox30 version instead, and rattles off something about pc gamers being treated like pirates.  Sorry clowns, but people pirate games for XBOX360  at 10 times the rate PC does.  Who are you fooling with this? Google it see for yourself.

My review of that review, concludes : Utter crap written by a moron who does not know how to tweak his own computer and no intentions of ever upgrading his hardware.  On that note, bit-tech.net = fail useless website. Nice work asshats.

For the record, I play the game . On a budget PC. $311 budget to be precise. NO overclocking involved.

AMD 5600 am2

Nvidia EVGA 9500 gt  512 mb ddr2

Ballistix 4gig memory  pc 6400 ddr2 800mhz fsb

Resolution  1440×900  Med/high 30,30,

Vista Ult

61FPS indoors

34fps outdoors

Some of this is using data from Charming Charlie from GTA Forums.Com

Here is a real review of the Grand Theft Auto IV PC from a real gamer.


Looks like it’s Nvidia and GTA iv.

Video issue is some cards with certain drivers do not show any textures. This means the whole world around you has no skin, everything is see through.

uninstall game,uninstall drivers, delete driver folder in C drive. delete all gtaiv folders and files. install different version of drivers (from original install disk), install gtaiv. good to go.


Most users using current PC hardware as of December 2008 are advised to use medium graphics settings. Higher settings are provided for future generations of PCs with higher specifications than are currently widely available.

Graphics settings are limited by system resources by default. 256MB video cards force minimum settings by default. If a user bypasses these safety measures using command line arguments and exceeds their system resources, the users gaming experience may be compromised.

Video Mode
Resolution scaling effects water, reflections, shadows, mirrors and the visible viewable distance. The resolution settings relate to the amount of available video memory. At 2560*1600 the game will require 320MB of video memory in addition to all the memory required for content. At 800*600 the game will require 32MB of video memory in addition to the content. Medium resolution settings are recommended for most users as higher settings are only usable if there is available video memory.

Texture Quality
Texture quality affects the visual quality of the content of the game. High setting for textures will require 600MB of video memory at a setting of 21 View Distance in addition to the memory taken by the Video Mode. A medium texture setting is recommended for most users.

Render Quality
Render quality is the texture filter quality used on most things in the world rendering. Most people would know this as anisotropic filtering. Medium settings are recommended for most users and will provide filtering beyond what the console versions can execute.

View Distance
View distance scales the distance in which different objects in the world such as building and cars are seen. Raising this option increases the distance in which high quality objects must be loaded and will increase the memory it requires. Restrictions are established to ensure the game runs optimally for most users. A setting of 22 or more will provide PC users an enhanced experience over the console versions.

Detail Distance
Detail distance scales aspects of the environment that the View Distance setting does not including vegetation, trash and other moveable objects. A setting of 10 would be the equivalent to the performance on a console. This setting has little effect on memory.

Vehicle Density
Vehicle density scales the traffic density of the traffic in the game. It has no effect on the mission vehicles or difficultly of the game, but can have a significant impact on CPU performance

Shadow Density
Shadow Density controls the number of shadows generated for positional lights in exterior environments. These shadows are exclusive to the PC version and can have a major impact on CPU and GPU performance.

With the latest ATI driver (8-11 series) the game supports crossfire modes (ie. 4870×2)
SLI is currently unsupported. Support will be added through a future game patch as well as an updated Nvidia driver.

NOTE: Background Processes
Certain background processes can have a detrimental effect on system performance when playing GTA IV, especially on systems with minimum required system memory. Users should ensure they disable their Virus scans (especially �on-access� type scans) when running the game to maximize performance.

ok after that read here is Rockstar explaing what is going wrong


People are un able to see textures while in game.

What the numbers mean in myspace mobsters

You are playing mobsters on myspace, and you keep seeing people post some freaking numbers. You have no idea what to do with those numbers.

Help is here

Ok what you do is highlight those numbers. If you do not know how to highlight. write them down.

Now click on the name of the person who posted the numbers. Either a new window will open, or a new tab will open. You are now looking at your friend’s page. move your eyes to the top of your web browser and look at the link. If you look far right there will be a series of numbers. Those numbers are what everyone is posting. just delete those numbers and type in what your friend posted for you. Some web browsers make those numbers start with a twenty two at the beginning like this :

Practice with  this one punch him once or twice for me.. since I helped you out and all. :-P


without 22 at start



With 22 at the begining

I hope this helped

Need someone to critique Website

I entered the company website HiTech Into The Sammy Awards.

I need some last minute people to give me ideas on what to tweak to make the site more presentable

and cleaner. just respond here. I don’t care if you make up an email address to respond.  Just drop some ideas on me please.

any ideas will very much be appreciated. I really want this award.

oh you have top see what the site used to look like before I got here December 07.  I have been here almost a year now. you should google this “Houston fire detection”. Not so bad if I do say myself.

Oh btw, the site has been submitted as is, but I am sure I can make tiny tweaks, just no major face lifts. If I don’t get the prize this year, I will be in it for an overhaul for next year. I will eventually win this.

Have you Heard of Brain Gate?

Brain Gate is a little bitty chip they can place in your skull to recieve  small pulses of nuero commands. These commands are the same ones that tell your arm to move and your legs to move, with these commands they have humans and monkies controlling robotic arms and wheel chairs, even a mouse curser.

Google it, it’s freaky…

It can do wonders for people missing limbs or fingers or paraplegics.
Alot could come from this. Good and bad. Man and machine can merge.

Microsoft Changing it’s Social Policy yet again.

After years of chatroom service and message board communities, msn shut down their biggest advertisement revenue. Now they are closing the last door. but looks like there is something else coming from them. a partner called “Multiply” I have no idea what it is but I will research it soon. I hope it’s an msn style chat with city based rooms. It was nice metting people in my area I never met before. I made alot of great freinds that way and had some great times. but when the doors closed, we all went back to oour lifes.

Dear MSN Groups Customer,

As a valued MSN Groups or MSN Communities Web Folders customer, we want to notify you that the MSN Groups service will close on February 21, 2009 and you will have the opportunity to move your group to our new partner service, Multiply. We understand the importance of keeping your group together, so we partnered with Multiply to create a migration process that moves your group to their service to preserve your online community and its history. Read on to find out about how to kick off the automatic migration of your group to Multiply.

We realise this may be unexpected, so before presenting your options we want to briefly share why we’ve made this decision.

Because we are dedicated to providing our customers with the most current and user friendly technology available today we made the difficult decision to close the MSN Groups service. This decision is part of an overall investment to update and re-align our online services with Windows Live. In the long term we believe that closing the service is the best way to continue to offer innovative and effective services that help you stay in touch with the people you care about. We plan to launch a new Groups service in the coming weeks, but unlike MSN Groups, Windows Live Groups will focus on offering a place for small groups to collaborate. Multiply is available now, making it your best option today for continuing to share and communicate together online.

Options for moving your group to a new service
We’ve listed some options and resources below to help you decide what to do with your group.

  • Option 1: Automatically move your group and its data. We have established a partnership with Multiply, an online group and media sharing service so our users can choose to migrate their group to Multiply’s service. Choosing this option is free and easy to use: Multiply will move the Group’s content on your behalf and invite members to re-join your group in its new location. To begin the migration click here.
  • Option 2: Start again on another service. You can start from scratch and create your group on a different service but we recommend having your Group moved automatically by Multiply. This will enable your Group to transition easily and continue to enjoy the community you have created.
  • Option 3: Start again on Windows Live Groups. To further expand our mix of communications and sharing services, Windows Live will launch a new service this autumn, Windows Live Groups. We plan to launch Windows Live Groups to the public in the coming weeks as a service that helps small groups or clubs collaborate online.

Options for MSN Communities Web Folders users
If you use save files to the MSN Communities web folders (also known as “My Web Sites on MSN” or the web folder “My Groups”), these services are part of MSN Groups and will therefore will also be closed on February 21, 2009. We recommend that if you store files online using MSN Communities web folders that you back up these files locally, then upload them to another online storage service such as Windows Live SkyDrive. For more details on how to find and move files saved to your web folders, visit the MSN Groups Resource Center.

Your Next Steps
We have sent this letter to each MSN Groups user, whether member or manager. If you are:

  • A member or user of MSN Groups: Check with your group manager to determine whether they plan to migrate the group.
  • A manager: Visit the MSN Groups Resource Center to learn more about your options and consider soliciting feedback from your group members about what they would prefer to do, when and how. The Resource Center also provides a sample splash page you can use to notify your members that the group will move. If you’re ready to move the group now, click here.

What to Expect between now and the closing date
Between today and February 21, 2009 the MSN Groups service will remain the same as it is now. We will remove the option to add more storage to your group but other features will remain until the service is shut down and you can use it the same way you do today until the date of closure.

Where can I learn more?
You probably have more questions, and that’s why we created a website to address them. Please visit the MSN Groups Resource Center at any time for the most up to date answers to common questions, information about migrating your group to Multiply, contact information for our support staff, and important dates.

Our support staff are equipped to answer your questions and guide you through issues that may arise as you decide what to do with your group. They are ready to help so don’t hesitate to contact them at MSN Groups Customer Support with your questions.

We thank you for using our services and regret any inconvenience this may cause.

MSN Groups, Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement.

Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052